July - August 2019
We were back on the Cabot Trail bright and early. Among other places, we made a stop at Cabot's Landing Provincial Park. We ventured off the Trail up to Meat Cove, the northernmost village in Nova Scotia. Our motivation for that side trip was both scenic and culinary since it's also home to the Meat Cove Chowder Hut. Back on the Trail, we visited the St. Paul Island Lighthouse Museum in Dingwall. That was followed by the most exhausting part of the trip. A 2-mile hike out to White Point. What made it so exhausting was the high temperature and humidity. It certainly didn't feel like we were in Great White North! However, the view from White Point was worth it. The nearly 360-degree view is so vast that it allows you to clearly see the curvature of the Earth. After some time on the road in the air-conditioned car, we stopped at the Groovy Goat Farm. We visited the goats and a cow that lives with them and bought some soap. Then we arrived at our cabin in Ingonish Beach and remembered we had to book a place with no air conditioning. "No big deal, it's Canada. It won't be hot," we thought at the time. Wow, were we wrong! Oh well, it was only one (long) night.