Michael Gatti's Family Tree



Site Updates Archive

August 26, 2007
Welcome to the newest member of the Gatti family. Jayden John Van Houten was born to Elissa Van Houten on June 29th. Thanks to Debbie for keeping me up to date on her quickly growing branch of the tree!

March 17, 2007
It's St. Patrick's Day and I updated the Italian part of my family tree. Maybe not logical, but it's an overdue update. I just added a new section to the Gatti portion of the tree. It's an article about the Gatti-Panazzolo triple wedding. Check it out here.

February 17, 2007
I've been trying to add new content to the site, but lately my time has been taken up by dealing with several hundred attacks from spammers per day. If you read my personal site, you've probably noticed a lot changes there that are meant to combat spam. I've now implemented some of those same changes on the family tree site. If you have any difficulties submitting forms or performing other functions, please let me know.

December 14, 2006
I finally have some non-Gatti content. Well, actually it's not on the family tree site. It's on Michael's Piece of the Web, my personal site. My grandfather, George, celebrate his 85th birthday last month. Photos from our excursion to the Hofbrauhaus are right here.

December 1, 2006
After a very long delay, I finally put Victor's tale of his adventure aboard the Ukrainian schooner Bat'kivshchyna on the family tree site. It's an fascinating story (with photos) told by Victor as only he could tell it.

Sorry this took so long. Victor sent me the pieces this story on 3 December 2005. It's unbelievable that it took me almost a year to get it online.  Sadly, right around the time he sent it to me, the Billy Gatti problem arose and the band of adventurous Ukranians took a backseat to several mean-spirited Italians! Then life just got too busy to get to it, but better late than never!

Check it out here.

November 25, 2006
Welcome once again to another family member on the Gatti branch of the family tree. Michael Toon has married Amanda June Abbott.

November 23, 2006
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! This year I'm giving thanks that the family tree website has a new home. After a very trying few months with my old webhost I've moved this and all of my websites to a new webhost.

It's been a rough year for the website. It started out with a malicious attack on the site and continued on to suffer from problems caused by an inept hosting company.

However, it looks like we'll finish the year in one piece! Plus, with the new webhost I'll have room to put up many more photos soon!

August 2, 2006
Welcome to yet another new addition to the Gatti side of the family! Bo & Tanna Wright have a new daughter, Annika Pacie Wright. There aren't any pictures of her on this site yet, but head over to the Gatti Family Yahoo! Group to see some pictures.

April 8, 2006
After several months offline, the family tree is back! It's got a new name, a whole new look and more features than ever. It's no longer restricted to one small part of the family, it includes all parts of the family now. Some sections are still under construction, but just keep watching because more and more will be added over time.

Some features of interest are that every detail page now has a place for external links where you can see family members' own personal websites, a surname list to give you idea of what names are in my family tree data, a genealogy research resource page and more.

April 7, 2006
HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY to my father, Emil Gatti!

November 19, 2005
The Gatti Family Tree has grown again. Wendy Wright Beasely married Michael Bowling and they have had a child, Helena Bowling. Helena is the third member of Generation H and the first female in that generation. Welcome to both Michael and baby Helena! Thanks for Deborah Wright for providing this info.

November 17, 2005
A lot has been mentioned in our Yahoo! Group lately about those family members who have served our country as part of the US Armed Forces as we celebrated Veteran's Day. Now I have an update to the site courtesy of Justin Gatti who is currently serving our nation as a member of the Air Force in Iraq. Watch for more updates and some new (and better photos) of his branch of the family from him soon! Check out his page here.

August 28, 2005
I just updated the detail pages of Chris, Josephine & Regina Gatti with info provided by Regina.

I also added a page to the Memories, Stories & Biographies Section. It's a biography outlining Regina's theatrical career. Take a look at it now.

August 27, 2005
Thanks to information provided by Regina Gatti I just updated several pages. Celia Gatti's detail page has been updated with information about her connection with Giulio Gatti-Casazza at the Metropolitan Opera. Since he is "another famous Gatti" I also added him to the Famous Gattis Page.

August 06, 2005
I just updated Diana Panazzolo's Memorial page with a copy of her eulogy by Lisa Panazzolo.

July 06, 2005
The site has grown again, thanks to Rita! The Big Sur article in the Stories & Memories Section of Facts/Features has been updated. Also, I added a whole new feature within Facts/Features called Rita's Recordings. Check it out today and then thank Rita for such a cool contribution!

July 04, 2005
Welcome to the brand new Gatti Family Tree website. I've totally rebuilt the site from the ground up. Besides a lot of aesthetic changes, the site is now easier to navigate and I've added a lot of new items and re-written many old ones.

I suggest taking a look at the Facts/Features section. It has the most new items. If you any questions, concerns or comments, or if you want to contribute, just contact me.

The memorial section is still under construction, but take a look anyway.

March 08, 2005
I've moved the website to a new web hosting service. While the migration has been very smooth so far, if you find anything missing or not working, please let me know. Thanks for your patience during this change.

October 16, 2004
Welcome aboard to the newest member of the Gatti Clan, Mickelson Joseph Wright! You can see his family tree entry right here.

September 25, 2004
I've finally posted the photos from my trip to California to visit the "California Cousins", Alicia & Rita. They're available on my newly renovated personal site,www.michaelgatti.com.

January 14, 2004
Don't forget to submit your recipes! The response has been less than overwhelming so far. If you submit a recipe today you might help change that! Submit them here.

November 13, 2003
I just added a new page to the Interesting Facts section. Thanks to Georgette I have a copy of the original notes that Nelson got from his mother when starting his family tree. There is a link on the Interesting Facts page.

October 26, 2003
The site now has a site map. As the site grows it becomes harder to find the info you are looking for. So, you can now use the site map to make sure that you don't miss any of the information and photos on the site! There is a link to it at the bottom of the home page or you can go to it directly from here.

October 25, 2003
I just replaced the photos on the Gatti family cemetery plot page with new photos taken by Bob Panazzolo this morning. Thanks to Bob's work and the family members who made financial contributions, the three missing names have been added to the headstone.

October 19, 2003
Today is the first Gatti Family Memorial Day. One year ago on this day we gathered in NYC for a historic reunion. Remember that day with some photos. And remember that the members of Generation E who are no longer with us are Nelson Panazzolo, Richie Gatti, Nino Gatti, Bill Gatti and Diana Panazzolo.

October 14, 2003
The memorial to Nelson and Diana now has a permanent home. The permanent link is below in the special thanks portion of this page as a part of the new dedication of this site to Nelson.

October 13, 2003

September 24, 2003
Our family has suffered another loss today. Diana Panazzolo passed away two weeks after the death of her husband, Nelson.

September 10, 2003
Today we lost the person who started our family's genealogical research and so much more, Nelson Panazzolo.

June 21, 2003
The newest member of the Gatti Family has been added to the family tree. Jason Toon, son of Yancey & Esther Toon is the first family member born in 2003.

May 26, 2003
The Lido now has its own page! It was beginning to outgrow the Interesting Facts page. The link to the new Lido page is now on the Interesting Facts page.

March 17, 2003
The link to the reunion photos has been moved to its permanent home on the Interesting Facts page. HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!

January 09, 2003
While the site was down I decided to get moving and get some work done. I added a great new page in the Interesting Facts section. It contains original Ellis Island records from when the Gattis came to the United States and a photo of the ship they came on. Thanks to Bob Panazzolo for supplying these items! Check it out now!

January 09, 2003
OK, the website is now back online. after a few hours of uploading files and tweaking HTML almost all of the functionality has been restored. The form to submit updates is not yet working, but hopefully will be soon. Also, there is one BIG CHANGE. This website has a NEW ADDRESS. Subdomains are not working yet so the usual address of familytree.michaelgatti.com is not working. The new address is www.michaelgatti.com/familytree. Don't change your bookmarks, because it will be moving back. Just create a second one to use for a while. I apologize for the outage and changes. Unfortunately it was out of my hands.

January 07, 2003
Due to a catastrophic hard disk failure at the company that hosts this website, the site is down until further notice. All files were lost. I have backups, and as soon as the hosting company is back up and running I will work hard to begin re-uploading the site contents. I know that not many people will see this until after the site is fully back up, but I wanted to let everyone know what's going on one way or another.

January 01, 2003
Because of the holidays I have been way behind on getting updates done on the site. However, that doesn't mean that the various cousins that help me haven't been doing their part still. I have several updates that will be up in the weeks to comes. Photos from Alicia. Ellis Island info from Bob. And even more from others.

November 13, 2002
I just added a page with photos of the family burial plot. They are linked from the Interesting Facts page, or you can see them here.

November 07, 2002
Reunion photos are now online! Check them out now right here. Don't forget to keep sending me yours for the CD.

October 27, 2002
Check out the Casorzo page! I just added a bunch of new photos and replaced the black & white ones with brand new color versions. Also, MANY new photos have been added or updated on the details pages. Is there a new photo of you on your detail page?

October 22, 2002
The reunion was HUGE success! I am just now getting started on all the photos and such from it since I just got home from New York City today. Watch for updates and some special pages coming soon!

October 14, 2002
Don't forget to bring your photos and information to the family reunion next weekend. The time is finally here! I'm hoping to fill in many blanks in the tree!

September 10, 2002
The tree has expanded again thanks to Georgette's contribution of info. Up to 194 people!

September 09, 2002
The Family Reunion info page is open. See it here.

August 26, 2002
I've gotten some feedback stating that the tree was hard to read or some elements were not visible. I finally determined what the problem was and have found a way to fix it. It should be better now. Please take a look at it and let me know what you think. You might need to click the refresh button in your browser to see the change.

August 26, 2002
Thanks to information provided by Sonny Gatti the family tree has an EIGHTH GENERATION! (Gen H) Congrats to Sonny's great-grandson, Noah Wright for being very first member of the newest generation of the Gatti Family!

August 17, 2002
The Lido page is finally online. It contains a great newspaper article courtesy of Ceil. Check it out when you get a chance. It's linked from the Interesting Facts page. Also, there is a photo of Gene's Restaurant linked from that page as well.

August 14, 2002
I got tons of valuable info from the "non-party" at Nelson's. Look for new photos added to the individual details pages. On the Interesting Facts page look for the photos added to the story Josie's "Daughters", and a bunch of new photos added to the Casorzo page. Some Lido and Gene's Restaurant stuff is coming soon!

August 10, 2002
For those of you that are going to be seeing me at Nelson's house tomorrow, please remember to bring any and all photos and information you have for me. See the corresponding post in the Yahoo! Group for additional details.

July 28, 2002
I fixed the glitch with the data submission form. Sorry for any inconvenience it might have caused. Let me know if you have any more problems.

July 23, 2002
The tree has been up for only a week and we are almost up to half of the photos filled in and there are only two branches of the tree with a lot of missing info. Thank you to everyone who has been helping out by submitting info and photos. However, it's not done yet, so keep sending it all to me!

July 17, 2002
IT'S TIME!!! The tree is finally online! Please let me know what you think of it, and please send me any missing information that you have access to. This tree will not be done for a long time to come because it will continue to grow. But I can only fill in the blanks with your help. Click here to see the post that I sent out earlier today regarding submitting info and photos.

July 16, 2002
I added a page about Casorzo, Italy linked from the Interesting Facts page. See it here. Also added the photo count to the left. I hope to see it go up and up!

July 03, 2002
I've begun adding photos and interesting facts. This leaves occupation as the only totally unimplemented feature. Once the tree is public, please feel free to e-mail me any photos or facts that I am missing because I have added all that I have at my disposal.

June 29, 2002
The tree is online for beta testing purposes. If all goes well, it will be available to everyone soon.

© 2002-2025    Michael Gatti, all rights reserved