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My family tree currently has 174 different surnames in it. Below is a list of those names.
The number after each name is the number of times that it occurs in the tree.
Abdul - 1
Aldano - 3 Anatol'evich - 1 Anne - 1 Ashburn - 3 Atamaniuk - 4 Atkinson - 12 Balatto - 1 Barker - 1 Barlas - 2 Bayne - 6 Beasley - 1 Beddal - 1 Belores - 3 Benussi - 2 Betts - 1 Binns - 3 Blauth - 1 Boles - 1 Boling - 1 Bonds - 1 Bowling - 2 Brackenridge - 1 Brasteter - 2 Brown - 1 Bullen - 1 Burch - 1 Burke - 4 Calandra - 2 Carpegna - 3 Castellano - 7 Cavanaugh - 1 Chando - 20 Cimborsky - 4 Coleman - 5 Connelly - 4 Dalton - 6 Davies - 4 Demichelis - 1 DeSant - 1 Dodd - 1 Dorato - 2 Duckworth - 11 Eichman - 1 |
Eitner - 1
Eloisa - 1 Emma - 1 Everett - 1 Fabbri - 2 Ferrarasi - 1 Flood - 1 Flynn - 1 Fogle - 2 Fonseca - 2 Forlana - 3 Forni - 1 Fuchs - 1 Gatti - 62 Gearhart - 1 Giovanetti - 1 Godkin - 2 Goodfellow - 3 Green - 1 Griffiths - 1 Gunn - 1 Heidi - 1 Henry - 1 Hessler - 1 Himmel - 5 Hoover - 1 Hunkler - 1 Ivanovna - 1 Izzy - 1 Jacobs - 2 Jekonski - 3 Joanne - 1 Joppe - 1 Kastner - 1 Katie - 1 Kelley - 4 Kellison - 1 Killeen - 3 Knull - 1 Koch - 1 Krowich - 10 Kruger - 32 Livingston - 5 Lopez - 1 |
Lottie - 1
Lozovaya - 1 MacLeod - 1 Manacorda - 2 Manningham - 1 Marion - 1 Martinetti - 2 Matyasick - 4 Maxwell - 3 McCorriston - 1 McDonald - 12 McDonough - 7 McGivern - 8 McInnis - 1 McLane - 6 Mendenhall - 1 Meredith - 1 Mesi - 1 Meyers - 25 Miravalle - 1 Monzeglio - 18 Mooney - 3 Mottola - 4 Moyer - 1 Myers - 3 Neuman - 1 Oliver - 4 Owens - 3 Palilla - 7 Palmieri - 1 Palumbo - 2 Panazzolo - 12 Pasaigno - 3 Paull - 40 Peircy - 2 Pesola - 3 Petazzi - 1 Phillips - 6 Phyllis - 1 Pirozzolo - 1 Pompa - 1 Pompliano - 1 Radke (or Franke) - 1 |
Radke - 2
Riggs - 3 Rourke - 2 Sabella - 1 Saporraro - 1 Schaefer - 6 Schroeder - 3 Schwenzer - 5 Scott - 1 Secondino - 3 Shaffer - 4 Shesko - 1 Shoenfelt - 1 Sissy - 1 Smith - 16 Snell - 1 Spear - 2 Speer - 1 Stoutenburg - 9 Streckman - 1 Stroup - 22 Strouse - 3 Toon - 14 Toretta - 8 Torres - 1 Trimble - 1 Tull - 12 Unipan - 2 Vadorsky - 3 Valpredo - 8 VanHouten - 2 Vealy - 1 von Eichman - 2 Waldis - 3 Wallace - 1 Walsh - 1 Ward - 1 Wiacak - 1 Wightman - 4 Wilson - 5 Wright - 5 Yuskaitis - 5 Zimmerman - 3 |
This list was last updated 03/24/2006.
© 2002-2025 Michael Gatti, all rights reserved