Interesting Links

Stuff I’ve found online that you should think about checking out

Winter must be coming

Everyone knows that my favorite time of the year is Fall and Winter. I just saw this article about a new “Ice Bar” in London. It’s a bar made entirely of ice. It’s an offshoot of a really cool (no pun intended) Ice Hotel in Lapland, Sweden.

I saw the hotel on a Discovery Channel show last year. I’d love to visit it someday! BTW, I just noticed that the show is going to be on again this year on 18 October at 1pm EST.

You’ll be seeing more posts in the coming days that go on about fall and winter things since I’m so happy that the cool weather season is beginning. 🙂

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Cool Keyboard

Take a look at this new keyboard. It’s a prototype called the Optimus. It uses OLED screens on each key to make it infinately customizable. You can make the keyboard display specific keys for any application.

Check it out at Gizmodo.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Cool Keyboard

Take a look at this new keyboard. It’s a prototype called the Optimus. It uses OLED screens on each key to make it infinately customizable. You can make the keyboard display specific keys for any application.

Check it out at Gizmodo.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Nuts and blacktop?

Here’s a random fact I just read on Both the macadamia nut and macadam road surface are named after the same guy, John Loudon McAdam. Yesterday he would have been 249 years old.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links, Randomness

What I listen to – KCRW Good Food

You probbaly know that one of my interests is cooking (and eating for that matter). There aren’t a lot of good food podcasts out there but this one isn’t bad. KCRW is an NPR station in Santa Monica, CA. As you would expect from an NPR station, it tends to be dry at times, but that’s the beauty of a podcast. You can fast forward through those parts.

Good Food covers a wide range of topics from restaurants, to chefs, buying tips, etc.

Check out their site at
(The entire KRCW site is pretty hard to navigate and not all that user friendly. But again, there’s the beauty of podcasts… you never really have to visit the site!)
The feed is at

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

What I listen to – WTOP News

A lot of news happens in Washington, DC. It only stands to reason that a DC station would bea good place for news. WTOP is a huge station that broadcast on 4 frequencies in DC. Their “liveshots” podcast includes pieces that were broadacast on their station. This includes both news and commentary on topics of national and international interest. Like any radio station, they do also throw in a small amount o flocal items.

Their site is at
The feed is

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

BIC sells 100,000,000,000th pen

Maybe it’s because I used to work in the office supply industry, but I thought this article was pretty cool.

BIC Sells 100 Billionth Pen

Personally, I still think the original BIC Stic is one of the best pens ever made. I’ve used $250 pens, and I still prefer my $0.12 Bic Stic Grip. I can buy 2083 of them for the cost of a Mont Blanc. 🙂

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Another take on password security

Never let it be said that I don’t give fair time to those who have differing opinions. In this C|Net article shows that at least one security expert at Microsoft thinks that writing down your passwords is a good thing because people know how to keep written documents secret. It’s an interesting theory, but I still stand by my opinion that you should not write down passwords.

You can read my opinion on the matter in Michael’s Guide to Choosing Passwords.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology