What I listen to – KCRW Good Food

You probbaly know that one of my interests is cooking (and eating for that matter). There aren’t a lot of good food podcasts out there but this one isn’t bad. KCRW is an NPR station in Santa Monica, CA. As you would expect from an NPR station, it tends to be dry at times, but that’s the beauty of a podcast. You can fast forward through those parts.

Good Food covers a wide range of topics from restaurants, to chefs, buying tips, etc.

Check out their site at http://www.kcrw.com/cgi-bin/db/kcrw.pl?show_code=gf&tmplt_type=Program
(The entire KRCW site is pretty hard to navigate and not all that user friendly. But again, there’s the beauty of podcasts… you never really have to visit the site!)
The feed is at http://kcrw.com/podcast/show/gf