
See who has permission to your accounts

We all have accounts on various web-based social media services and we all use various apps to access them. This means that at some point we’ve given each of those apps permission to access our accounts for the purpose of reading our data or posting on our behalf. What most of us have never done is go through and prune off the apps that we no longer use or that we didn’t mean to authorize. Every service has a page where you can manage those links, but finding them can take some searching. That’s where comes in. It provides a direct link to each of these. It’s a simple page of links, but it’s useful. You’ll be surprised how many apps you’ve given permission to!

One word of advice… If you’re someone who has already deleted their Facebook account, do not try to access the settings of your former account as I’ve read that Facebook will automatically reactivate your account. They’re… umm… “helpful” that way.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Tweet & Google Plus Buttons

I’ve been meaning to add Twitter buttons to my site for a while. Yesterday, I finally did it, but since the popularity of Google+ is increasing every day I thought I should add that as well. I’ll have more to say about Google+ soon. Not to give away any spoilers, but if you want in invite to Google+, let me know.

In the meantime, feel free to click my Tweet & +1 buttons as you read the site!

Posted by Michael in Site Updates

Less Tweet Clutter

Instead of my blog creating post of all of my tweets each day, it will instead wait until the end of the week to gather all my my tweets for the week from my Twitter account. I’m hoping this will cut down on the burying of my real posts. I also went back and consolidated my previous tweet posts. I guess this also means I should post to my blog more often!

Posted by Michael in Site Updates

Twittering Away

Over the past few days you probably have seen posts that consist of any “tweets” I’ve posted to twittered on a given day. Obviously, this means I’ve caught up with the bandwagon and joined Twitter. You can find me at I got the idea to have my tweets automatically cross posted to my blog from Leo Laporte. Like him, I don’t like the idea having anything I create hosted solely on a service that I don’t control. So, the result is that you can catch up with my tweets on twitter, but you can also check them out on my blog. That way they’re all saved for posterity. (Don’t take that to mean that you can expect anything profound from me! :-))

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life, Randomness