
Turkey Brining Time

How are you preparing your turkey for Thanksgiving this year? If you’re not brining it, I suggest you rethink that. Yes, this post is my annual reposting of my turkey brining tutorial. It’s nothing fancy because brining your bird is not a complicated process even though

Check out my instructions and recipe here. I even made a few minor updates this year. After all, refining your technique is what cooking is about.

Enjoy and feel free to let me know how it turns out.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food

A Tutorial for Turkey Brining Season

19-Cooked-TurkeyWhen I tell people that I brine my turkey before cooking it on Thanksgiving (or any other time I cook one) they first ask me why I do it and then they ask if it’s hard. A brined turkey is so much more moist. It holds all of its moisture so much better than a non-brined turkey. The brine also imparts some extra flavor to the bird. I’ve also found that it cooks faster. Is it hard? No, it’s not

So, just in time for Thanksgiving, I wrote a short tutorial describing how to brine your turkey and impress your family. There’s also a PDF copy of the recipe that you can download and print. As a bonus, it also includes my stuffing recipe.

You can check it all out at Enjoy and feel free to let me know how your turkey dinner turns out!

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food

A Tutorial for Turkey Brining Season

19-Cooked-TurkeyWhen I tell people that I brine my turkey before cooking it on Thanksgiving (or any other time I cook one) they first ask me why I do it and then they ask if it’s hard. A brined turkey is so much more moist. It holds all of its moisture so much better than a non-brined turkey. The brine also imparts some extra flavor to the bird. I’ve also found that it cooks faster. Is it hard? No, it’s not

So, just in time for Thanksgiving, I wrote a short tutorial describing how to brine your turkey and impress your family. There’s also a PDF copy of the recipe that you can download and print. As a bonus, it also includes my stuffing recipe.

You can check it all out at Enjoy and feel free to let me know how your turkey dinner turns out!

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food

The Thanksgiving Letter

Happy Thanksgiving to all. If you’ve never read The Thanksgiving Letter by Marney, you’re missing out! It’s worth rereading each and every year.

Enjoy the holiday and be thankful you’re not related to Marney.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

The Thanksgiving Letter

Happy Thanksgiving to all. If you’ve never read The Thanksgiving Letter by Marney, you’re missing out! It’s worth rereading each and every year.

Enjoy the holiday and be thankful you’re not related to Marney.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

It is towel season again

I just updated my mother’s towel catalog for the first time in a while. Halloween, Fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas are all coming up and there are towels for each! Of course, the everyday ones make great gifts too! Take a look look at what’s available here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Why do we eat turkey and all the fixings?

TurkeyWe all know what Thanksgiving dinner means. It means cooking a turkey, some stuffing, a variety of vegetables, probably some sweet potatoes and biscuits. Oh and don’t forget the cranberry sauce. Dessert brings pumpkin pie and maybe some egg nog to start off the holiday season.

You’ve eaten this combination every year of your life but do you know why? Check out this article on CNN to learn more about this holiday tradition.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

Stop those turkeys!

Escaping Turkeys

This is the funniest picture I’ve seen all day. These turkeys were spotted at a train station in Ramsey, NJ. They appeared to be waiting for a train to get out of town for Thanksgiving. I’m sure glad I got my turkey from Acme already!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you all get to spend some time with your family and enjoy some parades and turkey!

Also, good luck to all of you who are going out Black Friday shopping tomorrow. (as I do every year!)

Posted by Michael in Life