
People fall for this?

Delivery_ScamApparently it’s not enough that various scammers call my phone trying to convince me they’re from my bank or want to offer me a free home alarm system. Instead of handing over my banking information or home security details, I just hang up on them or occassionaly keep one on the phone for a while and have fun with them until they scream at me for wasting their time (yes, that actually happened last week and it was extremely satisfying). I don’t, however, expect to recieve the same nonsense when I go to my mailbox. I expect catalogs, advertisements and bills, but apparently my mailbox is yet another avenue for scams that are incredibly transparent, but could catch someone with a slightly less critical eye.

The postcard has an image of a guy in a uniform that vaguely conjures an impression of a UPS driver. It claims they’ve been trying to deliver a package to me. “They” is a supposed company called DMC Services. It gives a “tracking number” and an toll-free number to call. I didn’t call the number, although I may just give them a call someday when I’m bored and see how much of their time I can waste. I did however find an article online where the author did call. Check that out at It’s kind of a silly scam. They want to survey you about your laubdry washing habits. I guess it’s either a really shady market research company or just someone who is going through an awful elaborate effort to satisfy his or her freaky laundry fetish.

Anyway, I hope this post at least draws a tiny amount of attention to one of many pathetic scams that we all have to put up with. Or if you get bored, give them a call and entertain yourself by annoying them with nonsense.

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness

Scam artist Sylvia Browne strikes again

Everyone has probably heard about the kid, Shawn Hornbeck, who was kidnapped and recently found alive. It turns out that a few years ago, shortly after his kidnapping scam artist and phony psychic Sylvia Browne predicted it all. Well, that is except for the part about him being alive and recovered. This worthless woman told his parents that he was dead. It is truly beyond me why anyone gives this woman any attention or money. She prays on families of crime victims.

As I’ve said before, I can’t figure out why Montel Williams, who seems reasonably intelligent, gives this predator time on his sybdicated show.

Read more on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Blog then head over to to learn more about the havoc this terrible woman has caused.

Stop Sylvia Brown

Posted by Michael in Randomness

Stopping a scam artist

While browsing Digg tonight I happened upon this clip on YouTube of supposed psychic Sylvia Browne on Montel Williams’ show pretending to be psychic and upsetting families who have already suffered tragedies. Personally, I think there just aren’t enough people in this world who kick others when they are down. If more people went to hospitals and punched the ill or went to animal shelters and stepped on kittens the world would be a better place. Wait, you say that doens’t sound right? Well, that’s what Sylvia Browne does!

The thing that baffles me is that Montel gives this creature a platform from which to spew her crap. He always seemed like a reasonably intelligent guy to me, but yet he lets her on his show. Maybe he thinks that if people see her in action, they’ll realize exactly what she is.

Anyway, I could go on and on about this, but I think that does a better job than I could. (and you jsut have to love his logo!)

Stop Sylvia Brown

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness