
Political correctness taken to scary new heights

This article leaves me a almost speechless. I’m not a fan of political correctness to begin with, and even less so when it’s forced upon kids. I’m a firm believer that religion has no place in schools. However, trying to remove everyday words from kids’ vocabulary in a misguided attempt to avoid offending anyone who has ever believed in any religion is deranged.

The words that the school is banning are not words like Jesus Christ or god. I’d get 100% behind that. The words they are banning are things like dinosaur and birthday. My personal favorite is however, the horribly controversial word… wait for it… pepperoni. If you are offended by any of these words, you need to wrap yourself i bubble wrap, lock yourself in a room and turn out the lights so that you can’t be offended by the color of the paint on the walls.

If I had a kid in NYC schools I would immediately throw him/her a big dinosaur themed birthday party. And yes, you guessed it, I’d serve pepperoni pizza.

Read the whole disturbing article here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Another good idea taken – selling your soul to a pizza place

There are so many ways to make free money in this world. Unfortunately, I never think of them first. I say this because a guy in New Zealand tried to sell his soul on an online auction site. After the site said he couldn’t continue the auction, the owner of the Hell Pizza chain offered to buy it for $3800! ($NZ5001) The deed of ownership will be hanging in one of their stores.

Check out the whole story on CNN. And by the way, if you want to make an offer on my soul, let me know. I’ll give you a good deal!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

More Flying Spaghetti Monster

I forgot one thing in my previous post about The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. A lot of “devout” religious people have sent the author many e-mails. Reading them can only lead you to one concusion… Apparently, in order to be a religious person, you also have to be a foul-mouthed moron. Not saying that’s true, but that is the impression these people give in their letters.

You can read the various letters by clicking here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Flying Spaghetti Monster Gospel hits stores

In case you haven’t already heard about this, let me give you some background in the shortest way possible… In order sidestep the separation of church and state some school districts have tried to allow the teaching of “intelligent design.” The Christian mythology of creation cannot be taught, so ID stops one step short of endorsing the creation mythology. It says that some things in nature are too complex to have been created by evolution so “something” else must have created them. It stops right there but you can figure out what it implies.

So, if schools are teaching ID they are basically teaching Christian specific beliefs. This means that they should also teach the mythology of other religions. This is where Bobby Henderson comes in. He wrote a letter to a few school districts requesting that they teach his religion, Pastafarianism or the worship of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. It very quickly snowballed into a very popular topic and many people have seen it as a great oppurtunity to point out the faults with the argument for ID and point out that every religion sounds silly to those who aren’t a member of it.
Today his book finally hits stores and we’ll get to read all about the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his noodly appendages.

Buy the book now at Amazon. Read the story in USA Today. Learn more at his site, I definately need to buy this book.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness