
Half of Scott and Casey is back

In the past I’ve mentioned Scott & Casey, the great radio show that used to be on NJ 101.5. They were replaced with Carton and Rossi, a really terrible show. I never liked Craig Carton when he was on WIP an liked him less when he came to NJ 101.5.  So, I was excited when I saw the news this morning that he had been chosen to replace Don Imus on WFAN in NYC. I figured odds are pretty good that his replacement would be someone better.

Well, imagine my excitement when I looked at 101.5’s website and saw that his replacement is none other than the guy who he replaced a few years ago, Casey Bartholomew! Casey obviously is the Casey of Scott and Casey. It remains to be seen how good the show will be with Ray Rossi still there, but I’ve never heard Rossi without Carton so it’s possible he’ll be good with Casey and without Carton’s obnoxious antics.

Where’s Scott, you may ask? I’m still hoping he winds up with Casey, but he’s currently posting content on

There’s also more discussion at

Posted by Michael in Randomness

S&C are really back!

Before I left for work this morning I found that my new software setup was sucessfully recording Scott and Casey. I also heard the first few minutes of the show. It was nice to hear them again. I didn’t hear much but I did hear Casey say that it isn’t their fault that they replaced the old guys. This made me think of the same type of attitudes that were around when they came to and left New Jersey 101.5. (Of course, when they left it was pretty justified since Craig Carton really does have a terrible show.

Apparently their new station, KTRS, gutted its staff before hiring them. Hopefully the listeners in Saint Louis will take to them more than the ones in Detriot did.

Look for more info and discussion about the show over at

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness

Scott and Casey are back on the air!!!

Beginning tomorrow, my favorite radio show of all time will be back!!! Scott & Casey, formerly of New Jersey 101.5 have resurfaced in Saint Louis on KTRS!

Scott and Casey will fill the morning drive time slot on KTRS “The Big 550” AM. This station is cool enough to stream so you’ll be able to hear S&C worldwide! I already bought a copy of Audio Hijack and will be recording the stream to listen to on my iPod everyday. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to hear the guys.

A special thanks to Mike of (formerly of for letting me know about this exciting turn of events. I really didn’t think we’d be seeing the guys back on the air again.

Listen to the stream directly at target=”_blank”

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Scott and Casey are back on the air!!!

Beginning tomorrow, my favorite radio show of all time will be back!!! Scott & Casey, formerly of New Jersey 101.5 have resurfaced in Saint Louis on KTRS!

Scott and Casey will fill the morning drive time slot on KTRS “The Big 550” AM. This station is cool enough to stream so you’ll be able to hear S&C worldwide! I already bought a copy of Audio Hijack and will be recording the stream to listen to on my iPod everyday. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to hear the guys.

A special thanks to Mike of (formerly of for letting me know about this exciting turn of events. I really didn’t think we’d be seeing the guys back on the air again.

Listen to the stream directly at target=”_blank”

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

What I listen to – Eric & Kathy

Eric & Kathy is the morning show on WTMX 101.9 The Mix in Chicago. They post a podcast of hihlights from their show each day. I think they are pretty funny. It’s mostly a call in show with some celbrity interviews mixed in. Eric’s voice and personality almost reminds me of my favorite talk show host who’s no longer on the air, Casey Bartholemew.

Their site is at
The feed address is

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links