
What I Listen To – Daily Giz Wiz

The TWiT network of podacasts has expanded yet again. Leo now has a daily podcast with Dick DeBartolo who calls himself “The Giz Wiz”, thus the name of the podcast.

It’s a short (5 minutes or so) podcast that talk about a new and unique tech gadget each day.

They don’t have an actual website yet, but you can visit Dick’s site at www.gizwizbiz.com. Subscribe to the feed at http://leo.am/podcasts/dgw.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

What I Watch – Rocketboom

Rocketboom is a hard one to explain. You might have already seen it since it’s one of the more popular IPTV shows on the internet. It’s a mixture of tech news stories, weird finds on the world wide web, man on the street interviews and the occasional musical dance montage.

How do you classify all of that? Anyway, it’s hosted by Amanda Congdon who has a style that all her own for delivering the content and keeping it interesting.

Visit rocketboom.com.
Subscribe at http://www.rocketboom.com/vlog/rss.html

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

What I Watch – Food Guru Moments

I love to cook, so this new video podacst is becoming one of my favorite short IPTV shows. It comes from an unlikely place. When you think of fine dining, Iowa is the first place that comes to mind, right? Ok, maybe not, but Peter Harman hosts Food Guru Moments and he is the owner and chef at Martini’s Grill in Burlington, Iowa. It’s a unique, fast-paced podcast that introduces one recipe per episode.

If I’m ever in Iowa (though I probably won’t be) I’d definately stop in and try his cooking!

Visit his site at www.foodguru.com.
Subscribe to the podcast at http://www.foodguru.com/podcast/xml.xml.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

What I Watch – MacBreak

OK, this is brand new. As new as it gets, actually. I haven’t even had time to watch the first episode yet, but I sure I’m going to like it so I’m including it here. It’s a production of the This Week in Tech (TWiT) folks with Amber MacArthur, Leo Laporte and others. In case you didn’t guess, it’s about Macintosh issues and news.

Their site is www.macbreak.com.
You can subscribe at http://www.macbreak.com/macbreak_rss.php.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

What I Watch – MacBreak

OK, this is brand new. As new as it gets, actually. I haven’t even had time to watch the first episode yet, but I sure I’m going to like it so I’m including it here. It’s a production of the This Week in Tech (TWiT) folks with Amber MacArthur, Leo Laporte and others. In case you didn’t guess, it’s about Macintosh issues and news.

Their site is www.macbreak.com.
You can subscribe at http://www.macbreak.com/macbreak_rss.php.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology