
Photos Getting Noticed

Knight Ridder

I post hundreds of photos on the site and usually don’t know if they are getting noticed by anyone or not. However, lately, besides all of the dozens of contacts I get regarding my genealogy work, I’ve been seeing more comments on my photos. It makes me glad that I take the time to post them. A pro photographer in Virginia commented on my Hampton Roads photos, a model builder used one of my photos as reference for a model and last week I granted license for use of one of my photos by a company in a case study. You can check that out at

If you are interested in acquiring or licensing any of my photos, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography

Sign of the times – What’s a film camera?

A few days ago I went to a birthday party for my friend’s daughter. She’s three years old. I was taking photos of the event with my digital camera, but someone else was using a disposable film camera. The birthday girl ran over to her and asked to see the pictures she’d just taken as she pulled down on her hand to see the back of the camera. I thought it was pretty funny to see that in her mind all cameras are digital cameras. Maybe film cameras are going the way of vinyl records. (You know, those black frisbees that your parents have in the basement.)

Posted by Michael in Life, Technology