Track Santa with NORAD

When you you hear about Cheyenne Mountain Complex, you probably think about a super secure military facility, men & women of our Armed Forces protecting us from attack from the sky, and maybe even the TV show Stargate SG-1 (a personal favorite of mine).

On this special day every year, the men and women of NORAD that serve 2400 feet under the ground add a very special mission to their other critical tasks.

As they have for the 52 years, NORAD will follow Santa Claus on his flight around the world. This year it’s greatly enhanced by teaming up with Google Earth to make it fun and educational. (But mainly fun!)

Track Santa at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness, Technology

Tracking Santa

As they do every year, NORAD will track Santa Claus beginning tomorrow morning. See, you knew the military had to have a fun side! 🙂

Check it out at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links