NJ 101.5

Half of Scott and Casey is back

In the past I’ve mentioned Scott & Casey, the great radio show that used to be on NJ 101.5. They were replaced with Carton and Rossi, a really terrible show. I never liked Craig Carton when he was on WIP an liked him less when he came to NJ 101.5.  So, I was excited when I saw the news this morning that he had been chosen to replace Don Imus on WFAN in NYC. I figured odds are pretty good that his replacement would be someone better.

Well, imagine my excitement when I looked at 101.5’s website and saw that his replacement is none other than the guy who he replaced a few years ago, Casey Bartholomew! Casey obviously is the Casey of Scott and Casey. It remains to be seen how good the show will be with Ray Rossi still there, but I’ve never heard Rossi without Carton so it’s possible he’ll be good with Casey and without Carton’s obnoxious antics.

Where’s Scott, you may ask? I’m still hoping he winds up with Casey, but he’s currently posting content on scotthasick.com.

There’s also more discussion at scottandcasey.net.

Posted by Michael in Randomness