
Bing advertisement on Google

Bing Ad on Google

We all know Microsoft is trying desperately to get some traction for their new Bing search engine. While looking for some images on Google, I just noticed that one of the avenues Microsoft is using is by buying adds on… wait for it… Google!

Click here to see the whole page.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Microsoft – From monopoly to purveyer of baked goods

I’ve long been a proponent of Mozilla Firefox. If you use the Internet, Firefox is the browser you should be using. (Check out Michael’s Guide to Spyware and Virus Prevention & Removal for more details).

Last week the new Firefox v2.0 was released. I haven’t had to much time to play with it, but it looks great. In celebration of this event, the Internet Explorer Team at Microsoft sent Mozilla a congratulatory cake. I don’t know what to make of this one. Was it a nice gesture, or does the black and white theme imply something else.

Well, either way, Firefox 2 seems to be kicking IE 7’s ass.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology