Longwood Gardens

Longwood Gardens Tulip Photos

TulipsLongwood Gardens has always been one of my favorite local day trips. I’ve been there a few times at Christmas and once a long time ago during the summer, but I’d never been there for tulip season. A few weeks ago when their tulips were in full bloom I went out there for the day. Almost a quarter million tulips is hard to descibe. Luckily a picture says a thousand words and I took plenty of photos.

You can view some of them in the photos section of my site, right here.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography

Christmas at Longwood Photos

Longwood GardensLongwood Gardens is a fun place to visit all year long but at Christmas time it’s a totally different place. The amount of lights and flowers is astounding. They’ve really exapanded the displays since the last time I was there two years ago.

Because we were there after dark this year, there aren’t as many great photos, but there was plenty of cold weather and Christmas lights which is all it takes to make me happy apparently! Check out the photos here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Even more photos

December has been a productive month for photography on my site. I just added even more photos. You can check out a bunch of photos from Christmas at Longwood Gardens in the Photos section.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates