
Happy Groundhog Day!

GroundhogThere are a lot of holidays, but one of the most fun ones in my opinion occurs today. By the time this post shows up on my site, Punxsutawney Phil won’t have made his forecast yet, but I’m hoping he sees his shadow so we can have some more winter weather!

In celebration of Groundhog Day, visit the official site at, and while you’re at it, you should go rent one of the best movies of all time, Groundhog Day.

One of these years I’ll make it out to Punxsutawney to see it in person! I’ve always wanted to be out there at Gobbler’s Knob in the freezing cold weather for the event. You have to go down there at about 3am. 🙂 And no, it’s not like it is in the movie. It’s actually not in the town center but on the outskirts and you have to either walk or take a shuttle bus. I of course would walk because I think it would add to the experience. 😉

UPDATE: Phil did see his shadow. More winter to come! Yay! CNN says so.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Happy 2006!

Here’s the first blog post of 2006! It’s an automated post, but still, it’s one minute after midnight when you’re getting to see this, so HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006!

Posted by Michael in Life

Merry Christmas!

No, I’m not actually blogging on Christmas Day, but this is an automated post just to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. And since Hanukkah starts tonight as well, Happy Hanukkah!

Enjoy your holidays. I hope they are stress free!

Posted by Michael in Life

Happy Festivus!

For those who never watched Seinfeld (are there really peope who didn’t?), you’l have no idea what i’m talking about. Aparently Festivus is getting bigger by the year even though the shows been gone for a whoile now.

So, even though it’s last minute, you should hurry and run out to get your Festivus Pole and settle down with a glass of Festivus Wine.

Here’s wishing you and your family a Happy Festivus… let the feats of strength begin!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Tampon Angels? Yes, Tampon Angels.

Over the past few years my mother has made an sold hundreds of angel ornaments made out of tampons. Thye are about as unique of a Christmas items as you can imagine. Because of their huge popularity, I’m now selling them on eBay. Click here to see what I have up on eBay including the angels.

If I currently have none on eBay and/or you’re interested in purchasing more than I have listed, or even if you have questions, just contact me!

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you all get to spend some time with your family and enjoy some parades and turkey!

Also, good luck to all of you who are going out Black Friday shopping tomorrow. (as I do every year!)

Posted by Michael in Life