
The Story of Christmas

When you think of Christmas you probably think of Christmas trees, lights, Santa Claus, a blazing fireplace, gift giving, etc. But why do these images mean Christmas to us? Whether or not you believe the Christian mythology of how Christmas started, you should know that the holiday that we celebrate every December is a result of centuries of traditions from around the world coming together to form what we as a culture call Christmas.

To learn about all of these traditions and how they shaped our current Christmas celebrations, check out this great History of Christmas site put together by the History Channel. I stumbled upon it while looking for something specific, but wound up reading every page.

Enjoy! Merry Christmas!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Google Christmas Surprise

While looking for something using Google a few minutes ago, I stumbled upon a little Easter… errr… should I call it a Christmas Egg?

Do a search for “Christmas” or anything else that generates Christmas themed ads on the right side and you’ll see a row of Christmas trees along side your results.

Click here to see for yourself.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Even more photos

December has been a productive month for photography on my site. I just added even more photos. You can check out a bunch of photos from Christmas at Longwood Gardens in the Photos section.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Another Victory for Christmas

I have to commend the Port of Seattle for correcting a really stupid mistake they made over the weekend at the Seattle Airport. They pulled down all of the Christmas trees at the airport after a rabbi complained. The employees of the individual airlines began buying their own trees to display in their ticketing areas because that is leased space and the Grinches at the Port commission couldn’t make them remove them.

However, after some public pressure the airport has now replaced the trees. They also say they did it because the rabbi said he wouldn’t sue.

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. This is not a religious issue! While Christmas is obviously rooted in a religious tradition, their is also a secular side to the holiday. I know people who aren’t even Christians who celebrate the secular parts of Christmas. I’m not exactly a bible scholar but nowhere in the bible story do I recall hearing about Santa Claus being present at the nativity scene.

Read the article on CNN right here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Another Victory for Christmas

I have to commend the Port of Seattle for correcting a really stupid mistake they made over the weekend at the Seattle Airport. They pulled down all of the Christmas trees at the airport after a rabbi complained. The employees of the individual airlines began buying their own trees to display in their ticketing areas because that is leased space and the Grinches at the Port commission couldn’t make them remove them.

However, after some public pressure the airport has now replaced the trees. They also say they did it because the rabbi said he wouldn’t sue.

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. This is not a religious issue! While Christmas is obviously rooted in a religious tradition, their is also a secular side to the holiday. I know people who aren’t even Christians who celebrate the secular parts of Christmas. I’m not exactly a bible scholar but nowhere in the bible story do I recall hearing about Santa Claus being present at the nativity scene.

Read the article on CNN right here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Stop those turkeys!

Escaping Turkeys

This is the funniest picture I’ve seen all day. These turkeys were spotted at a train station in Ramsey, NJ. They appeared to be waiting for a train to get out of town for Thanksgiving. I’m sure glad I got my turkey from Acme already!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

You mean people really like Christmas?

This time last year the news was full of stories about retail stores that were boycotting the word Christmas in their advertising. They were saying “Happy Holidays”, “Season’s Greetings” or some other rubbish. Now this year after listening to their customers those same stores are announcing that they are going to stop pretending the holiday is not called Christmas.

While they say that they are doing it because of the complaints of the religious folks, I think that the reason reason to do this is that Christmas is NOT just a religious holiday! No where in the Christian mythology does Santa come sliding down a chimney!

There are two versions of Christmas. There is the one that the religious folks celebrate by going to a church and then there is the sectarian holiday that we all celebrate with Santa, reindeer, christmas trees etc.The ability of people to find new ways to be offended is truly amazing to me. There are many injustices in this world. Taking the time to create imaginary ones is such a waste of time.

I should note that there is one obviously exception to this new found realization that people like Christmas. Best Buy has decided to continue to attempt to be politically correct by making themselves look ridiculous and banning the word Christmas. Well, I never did like the store all that much anyway. I’ve been a loyal Circuit City customer for years now.

Read more on MSNBC.

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness

High tech (sort of) pumpkin carving

When I carve a pumpkin my tools are generally a few knives, spoons, etc. But now there’s a special pumpkin carving attachment to clean out your pumpkin. It it sort of like a egg beater. It’s called the Pumkpin Gutter. It seems like overkill to me, but hey, each to their own.

Check it out at while i go find my sawzall to cut out the eyes.

Posted by Michael in Randomness

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

St Patricks
In honor of Saint Patrick’s day, head over to Wikipedia and learn a little bit about this holiday. While you’re doing that I’ll be cooking up a big batch of corned beef and cabbage! YUM, my favorite part of the holiday!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Happy Groundhog Day!

GroundhogThere are a lot of holidays, but one of the most fun ones in my opinion occurs today. By the time this post shows up on my site, Punxsutawney Phil won’t have made his forecast yet, but I’m hoping he sees his shadow so we can have some more winter weather!

In celebration of Groundhog Day, visit the official site at, and while you’re at it, you should go rent one of the best movies of all time, Groundhog Day.

One of these years I’ll make it out to Punxsutawney to see it in person! I’ve always wanted to be out there at Gobbler’s Knob in the freezing cold weather for the event. You have to go down there at about 3am. 🙂 And no, it’s not like it is in the movie. It’s actually not in the town center but on the outskirts and you have to either walk or take a shuttle bus. I of course would walk because I think it would add to the experience. 😉

UPDATE: Phil did see his shadow. More winter to come! Yay! CNN says so.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life