
The Thanksgiving Letter

Happy Thanksgiving to all. If you’ve never read The Thanksgiving Letter by Marney, you’re missing out! It’s worth rereading each and every year.

Enjoy the holiday and be thankful you’re not related to Marney.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

The Thanksgiving Letter

Happy Thanksgiving to all. If you’ve never read The Thanksgiving Letter by Marney, you’re missing out! It’s worth rereading each and every year.

Enjoy the holiday and be thankful you’re not related to Marney.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Christmas at Longwood Photos

Longwood GardensLongwood Gardens is a fun place to visit all year long but at Christmas time it’s a totally different place. The amount of lights and flowers is astounding. They’ve really exapanded the displays since the last time I was there two years ago.

Because we were there after dark this year, there aren’t as many great photos, but there was plenty of cold weather and Christmas lights which is all it takes to make me happy apparently! Check out the photos here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year! Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous year! I’ll be spending today recovering from all the cooking and eating I did yesterday and watching the mummers parade. Hopefully, the parade will go on again next year despite the city’s budget problems.

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness

Merry Merry Merry!

I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

Posted by Michael in Life

Lancaster Christmas Show Photos

After a very difficult few months, I’m finally trying to start getting caught up with things. That includes updating my site. I just posted some photos that I took when we took my grandfather to the annual Christmas show at the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, PA. It was a christmas gift to him from my Mom & Dad.

This particular place holds a special meaning to him and me because the threatre is on the property where there once existed The Willows Motel that he and my grandmother used to take me to when I was little. The covered bridge on their property is what started my love of covered bridges.

Check out he photos right here.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography, Site Updates

Wishing you a Merry Christmas

Here’s wishing you have a jous and healthy Christmas. Hopefully you are as lucky as I am to be able to take the week off and spend it with family and friends!

Posted by Michael in Life

Track Santa with NORAD

When you you hear about Cheyenne Mountain Complex, you probably think about a super secure military facility, men & women of our Armed Forces protecting us from attack from the sky, and maybe even the TV show Stargate SG-1 (a personal favorite of mine).

On this special day every year, the men and women of NORAD that serve 2400 feet under the ground add a very special mission to their other critical tasks.

As they have for the 52 years, NORAD will follow Santa Claus on his flight around the world. This year it’s greatly enhanced by teaming up with Google Earth to make it fun and educational. (But mainly fun!)

Track Santa at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness, Technology

Peddlers Village Christmas Festival

Peddler's VillageYou’ve seen my photos from Peddler’s Village taken during the summer. (If not, view them here.)  Their annual Christmas Festival was this past weekend, so Kelly and I went back to see what it’s like in winter. It’s a whole different experience. The sub-freezing temperature was made bearable by marshmallow roasting over an open fire, hot cider cooked over a fire, carolers and even a little parade to welcome Santa Claus. Add thousands of Christmas lights and you have a great start to the Christmas season!

Click here to view my pictures from the festival.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography, Site Updates

Merry Christmas!

Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas! I hope that you and your family the best Christmas ever!

Posted by Michael in Life