
An Impressive Achievement

Back in April, I mentioned my cousin Kris was embarking on a hike of the entire Appalachian Trail. This week she finished her journey. Throughout the entire adventure she documented it with daily posts on her website. You can still relive her journey on her website, wayfarer.me. It makes for a fun and interesting read. Perhaps one day she’ll turn it into a book.

Congrats Kris!

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Interesting Links

My Adventurous Cousin

My cousin Kris is hiking the entire Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. (For my fellow genealogy buffs out there, she’s technically my 3rd cousin on my maternal grandmother’s side of the family… the Paulls) A simple post can’t begin to describe the journey she has embarked on. Luckily, she’s documenting the entire thing on her site at wayfarer.me. It’s definitely worth a read. Just be warned that you’ll quickly be hooked on following her daily posts.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Interesting Links