
My pet peeve… Cold myths!

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people mistakenly think that going out in cold weather causes you to catch a cold. A cold is a virus, people! It’s something you catch just like the flu or any other sickness.

Common sense should tell you that a temperature can’t give you a virus, but in case you don’t believe me, take a look at Ask Yahoo!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Scary article about diabetes

The front page story of today’s New York Times is an article about diabetes and what an epidemic is becoming. It really makes you stop to think. You probbaly know plenty of people with the disease, but this article really akes it clear that it is VERY quickly climbing the list of the most fatal diseases.

You’ll need to sign up for a free account to read the article (or use Bug Me Not) but it’s worth the effort. This is an important story.

Read the sobering article here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life