
Searching my site/blog

Using I set up my site with Google’s new service, Google Sitemaps. It should result in better indexing of my site by Google. This means you’ll get more accurate results and some of the lag I’ve mentioned before will no longer be a problem when I make changes.

Posted by Michael in Site Updates, Technology

Google Earth

Everyone knows that Google is the best site to use for searching, but Google is slowly becoming a huge company that offers a wide array of services. the coolest new one that I’ve seen recently is Google Earth. It’s not web-based, but is an application you can download and install. If you’ve used Google Maps, you already know that Google bought out Keyhole and now has satellite imagery available. Google Earth takes this one step farther. In this program you can zoom through maps, and use them in all kinds of ways. It even has 3 dimensional representations of buildings so you can fly through cities.

It’s tough to explain all the useful features, but once you download it it you’ll see how much fun it is to play with even if you don’t have a serious use for it.

Oh yeah, and it’s free. Get it at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Run, Googlebot, Run!

If you’ve tried using the Google Search box on my homepage lately, you may have noticed a lot of broken results. When I updated my site, I changed the directory structure and until the Googlebot crawls my site again, Google’s indexing still points to the old files. They usually crawl the site at least once a month so you should see it updated anytime now.

Posted by Michael in Site Updates