
Doritos from the sea

This is not fair. In New Jersey we have stuff like medical waste, oily blobs and dead animals wash up on our beaches. On the Outer Banks of North Carolina, they have tons of Doritios!

Apparently a shipping container fell off a ship at sea and washed up on the beach in NC. Oh well, guess it’s too late to go grab some. 🙂

Check out some photos and an article courtesy of the Virginia Pilot.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Know your eggnog

Just in time for the start of the holiday season, here’s an article about the history of one of my favorite drinks eggnog.

As usual, I saw this one on the place for random food facts,

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

Which side of the foil?

As we all get ready to create massive amounts of leftover turkey this week, most of us will be wrapping it in aluminum foil. Ever wonder which side of aluminum foil is the inside and which is the outside. Well, the truth is, it doesn’t matter. They’re both the same. Just another nugget of wisdom from the Emeril blog.

Read the details at

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

Colonel Sanders gets BIG

As Google Maps makes satellite imagery ubiquitous companies are apparently realizing that the have an opportunity for some free viral marketing campaigns. KFC has cashed on this by creating a huge Colonel Sanders logo in the Nevada desert.

Head over to and take a look.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Cranberries in Manhattan

The beginning of the holiday season at Rockefeller Plaza in NYC conjures up images of the Christmas tree lighting, skaters at the rink and, of course, cranberry bogs. Wait, maybe not cranberry bogs. But this year there is a cranberry bog at Rockefeller center. Ocean Spray built an artificial cranberry bog for Chef Ming Tsai at 30 Rock.

Check it out in NY Magazine.

I heard about this in the Emeril blog.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

Microsoft – From monopoly to purveyer of baked goods

I’ve long been a proponent of Mozilla Firefox. If you use the Internet, Firefox is the browser you should be using. (Check out Michael’s Guide to Spyware and Virus Prevention & Removal for more details).

Last week the new Firefox v2.0 was released. I haven’t had to much time to play with it, but it looks great. In celebration of this event, the Internet Explorer Team at Microsoft sent Mozilla a congratulatory cake. I don’t know what to make of this one. Was it a nice gesture, or does the black and white theme imply something else.

Well, either way, Firefox 2 seems to be kicking IE 7’s ass.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Fried Coke

OK, fried Oreos sound good. Fried Twinkies… maybe. But now something new has been born at the Texas Sate Fair. A guy created a new snack called Fried Coca-Cola. Now, it’s not really fried Coke, but it’s a Coke flavored batter that’s fried then drizzled with Coca-Cola syrup.

I think I’ll hold out for fried Moutain Dew, but you can learn more at WDSU in New Orleans.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food

Gnocchi are big in Argentina

And now the first new entry in the new category…

Gnocchi are one of the favorite Italian foods. They’re delicious in either a red sauce or my pesto sauce. I generally always request them as my birthday dinner.

After reading this blog entry on Emeril’s site, I learned something new. They are apparently very popular in Argentina.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food

Gnocchi are big in Argentina

And now the first new entry in the new category…

Gnocchi are one of the favorite Italian foods. They’re delicious in either a red sauce or my pesto sauce. I generally always request them as my birthday dinner.

After reading this blog entry on Emeril’s site, I learned something new. They are apparently very popular in Argentina.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food

New category – food

I figured that this blog doesn’t go in enough random directions, so I added another. 🙂

The new category is ‘Cooking/Food’. Cooking and food is one of my favorite hobbies. I just went back and added some of the old posts to the category, and i’ll be adding new ones in the future.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Site Updates