family tree

Gatti Family Yahoo! Group Shutting Down 15 December 2020

It’s been quite a while since anyone, myself included, has posted to our Gatti Family Yahoo! Group. So, the news that Yahoo! is planning to shut down the Yahoo! Groups service on December 15th probably won’t upset anyone too much. However, I thought I should make sure everyone is aware of it since it’s been available for everyone’s use for over 18 years now.

I also want to take a moment to thank everyone who participated and shared volumes of invaluable family info and stories using the group over the years. It predated my family tree website and without it, we never would have had the massive reunion in 2002.

My family tree site ( is still available and hopefully I’ll finally get around to updating it someday soon. Despite the lack of updates there, I’ve still been doing a lot of genealogy research including a DNA test a few years ago and a lot of records searches recently. It’s amazing how much spare time you can find during a global pandemic!

Posted by Michael in Genealogy

New notes from Family Tree site

It’s been forever since I’ve posted an update to the family tree website and I know that there have been many new additions to the Gatti family, especially in Ray and Kathy’s branches of the tree. I’ll get them added eventually. In the meantime, they’ve been kind enough to share all their happy news in the Gatti Family Yahoo! Group.

On the Paull side of the family, there’s also some exciting news. Theresa Tull (my first cousin twice removed, aka. my maternal grandmother’s first cousin) is now a published author. Her book, A Long Way from Runnemede – One Woman’s Foreign Service Journey chronicles her fascinating career as a US Ambassador during several presidential administrations. This space is not nearly long enough to list all of her adventures and accomplishments, but it’s really worth checking the book out on Amazon or learn more from my blog post about it.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy

Lost the last of Gatti Generation D

Sadly, the last member of what is known in the Gatti Family Tree as Generation D  passed away yesterday. Marion Virginia (Toon) Gatti, better known as Ginny was the sole surviving member of her generation. She was married to Larry Gatti making her my great aunt. She was 96 years old. As you can read on the family tree, she leaves quite a legacy in her daughters Alicia, Rita & Kathy and her grandchildren/great-grandchildren.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy

Genealogy Work Goes On

Despite the fact that I haven’t made any huge changes to my family tree site in a while, my genealogy research and work is not by any means dead. I’ve been working on updating my database and filling in many blanks in the Paull branches of my family tree, especially the Tulls. However, I haven’t had time to put any of that data in a web-friendly format yet. If you want info, please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask any questions you may have.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy

Tribute to my Father –

Emil GattiIt doesn’t seem at all possible that more than 6 months have passed since the death of my father. I’ve created memorial pages on my genealogy site for other family members, but I felt like I should make something more substantial for my Dad. What started out as a page on my family tree site has slowly evolved into

Please feel free to visit and take a look at the photos, stories, biography, etc. Then if you have anything you’d like to add about my Dad, please submit it by using the links on the site. I know that there are more stories and details to be added, but I rely on the the people who know them to share them.

Go to for info.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Life, Site Updates

and then there were 6

Just when I thought the Gatti family tree was up to date Debbie’s branch of the tree has sprouted yet another new leaf. OK, maybe I’m taking the tree metaphor a bit far! Please welcome Micah John Bowling to the family. He was born August 24th to Wendy and Michael Bowling.For those keeping score, that makes 6 members of Generation H of the Gatti tree, all of whom are grandchildren of Debbie and great-grandchildren of Sonny and Dot.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Site Updates

Triple wedding page added

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and I updated the Italian part of my family tree. Maybe not logical, but it’s an overdue update. I just added a new section to the Gatti portion of the tree. It’s an article about the Gatti-Panazzolo triple wedding. Check it out here.

Posted by Michael in Site Updates

Victor’s Voyage

After a very long delay, I finally have put Victor’s tale of his adventure aboard the Ukrainian schooner Bat’kivshchyna on the family tree site. It’s an fascinating story (with photos) told by Victor as only he could tell it.

Sorry this took so long. Victor sent me the pieces this story on 3 December 2005. It’s unbelievable that it took me almost a year to get it online. Sadly, right around the time he sent it to me, the Billy Gatti problem arose and the band of adventurous Ukranians took a backseat to several mean-spirited Italians! Then life just got too busy to get to it, but better late than never!

Check it out here.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Site Updates