Discovery Channel

Mythbusters Finale

I’m not usually one to get sappy or emotional over the ending of a TV series (ok, maybe The West Wing a long time ago) but the final episode of MythBusters was tonight and it’s truly the end of a great era. It started more “water cooler” conversations than can be counted. It’s put so many words and terms into public view. I mean, really, who would know what ballistics gel or ANFO is if not for seeing it on MythBusters.

It’s also given us catch phrases that stuck with us. Who could ever forget “Jamie wants big boom,” “Am I missing an eyebrow?” or “When in doubt, C4!” Of course, my favorites are still “I reject your reality and substitute my own,” “Failure is always an option,” and “Anything worth doing is worth overdoing!”As much fun as it it to see the guys (sometimes gratuitously) blow things up, there was a more important role played by MythBusters over the past 13 years. Adam and Jamie showed us that the scientific method can be fun and rewarding. They also showed that almost any problem can be worked out and resolved using science, engineering and patience.

In particular, they taught the younger generation (or two) that this might be something they want to do for a living. I guarantee that our country and many others around the world have MANY more scientists and engineers because of MythBusters and I’m sure there are so many more students at every level studying science, technology, engineering or math (aka STEM) right now because Adam and Jamie taught them it’s fun, exciting and cool.

Think about that… A TV show that was meant to entertain, educate and have fun with common myths and misperceptions, starring two guys that none of us had heard of 13 years ago, managed to play a real part in shaping the future of the science and engineering communities. Who would have thought that was possible? Well, OK, I know who thought that… every single one of us who ran into work or school on 24 Jan 2003 and said “OMG, you have to see this cool new show that was on Discovery Channel last night!!!”

Posted by Michael in Randomness

Deadliest Catch Returns Soon

 I just happened to read that the Discovery Channel is is going ot start airing Season 4 of The Deadliest Catch in only a few months. I know I’ve talked about this show before in the blog so I won’t describe it again, but check out the Deadliest Catch Blog to learn more about what’s going on with the show. That’s where I found out it’s due to come back on in April.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Discovery Atlas is amazing

I’m a big fan of the Discovery Channel and it’s various other networks. They’ve now taken on one of the most unique shows I’ve seen yet. Well, actually calling this a show is probably a little bit of an understatement.It’s more of a spectacle or event.

It’s called Discovery Atlas. It’s a series of 30 2-hour shows that will be produced and aired over the next 5 years. Each episode profiles one country. The features some history, but mainly focuses on modern life in that nation. One of the things that makes this show so amazing is that it is shot entirely in high definition. It’s simulcasted on Discovery Channel and Discovery HD Theater. The camera work is breathtaking.

There is also a lot of content on their website including podcasts. It’s definitely worth checking out. China has already aired, next will be Brazil, Italy and Australia. My DVR is already set. They air Sundays at 9pm.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Winter must be coming

Everyone knows that my favorite time of the year is Fall and Winter. I just saw this article about a new “Ice Bar” in London. It’s a bar made entirely of ice. It’s an offshoot of a really cool (no pun intended) Ice Hotel in Lapland, Sweden.

I saw the hotel on a Discovery Channel show last year. I’d love to visit it someday! BTW, I just noticed that the show is going to be on again this year on 18 October at 1pm EST.

You’ll be seeing more posts in the coming days that go on about fall and winter things since I’m so happy that the cool weather season is beginning. 🙂

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness