
Twenty-Five Years of Macintosh

Lately most of the news about Apple has been about Steve Job’s health and the future of the company. However, todays a good day to look back at Apple’s past. Why? Because it was 25 years ago today that Steve Jobs unveiled the first Macintosh computer.

Since that time, a lot has changed. THe Macintosh has consistently stayed one step ahead of the curve when it comes to new technologies. The mouse, 3.5″ floppies, firewire, USB are just a few items that apple was early to adopt. Of course, who could forget the first iMac. Not only did it revitalize Apple’s sales, it impacted a wide range of consumer products. We saw brightly colored translucent plastic on everything from staplers to office furniture to floppy drives.

So, take a moment and relive the Macintosh introduction on YouTube…

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Back on the Apple Roller Coaster

It’s been a tough month for Apple enthusiasts. A few weeks ago Apple announced Steve Jobs would not give the Macworld Expo keynote and that Apple would pull out of next year’s Expo. Besides basically assuring the impending demise of Macworld San Francisco it raised fears about Steve’s health. Then he announced that his health issues are related to a hormone imbalance and that he’s gonna be ok. The stock price rebounded and the masses were again happy. Then yesterday the roller coaster took another BIG turn for the worse when Apple released this press release.

Most people think that Apple fans like me are nuts for taking so much stock in the health and well-being of a CEO, but unlike most companies, Apple’s CEO IS the company. The company moved solely on his direction and ideas. He’s a complete totalitarian (I mean that in the nicest possible way!) who built the company, and later rebuilt it.

Hopefully we’ll see him back at the helm in a few months before too much damage is done to the company.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Commodore 64 lives forever

Commodore LogoYou probbaly know that I’ve worked with computer’s all my life. What you might not remember is that the first computer my parents bought for me many years ago was the venerable Commodore 64. With it’s 64 bytes of RAM we played games like Choplifter, Tooth Invaders, Clowns & Bruce Lee. I also wrote my first computer programs in BASIC. And should I even mention the Datasette? Gee, loading computer software onto audio cassettes seemed like such a good idea at the time!

It’s amazing how 25 years later, all of those hours sitting with my mom and trying to fix the syntax errors in the tapes my Uncle Ott would send her actually seem like fond memories when at the time we wanted to throw the machine out the window.

Yes, the Commodore 64 is 25 years old now. I still have mine packed away. I could never get rid of it. CNN has a great article about the historic anniversary of everyone’s favorite home computer. Read CNN’s article here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life, Technology

No Apple Key?

Back when I first starting using computers in third grade it was on an Apple IIc. There were two keys on each side of the space bar. One was the open apple key and one was the closed apple key. The closed apple key long ago went the way of 5.25 inch floppy drives and monochrome monitors. The open apple key has however, lived on for a few more decades on the command key.

Then on Tuesday Steve Jobs unveiled the newest Apple keyboards. The little cloverleaf symbol is still on the command key, but the open apple was replaced with the word “command.” It’s the end of an era. It’s kind of sad.

Derik DeLong of MacUser thinks otherwise.

Posted by Michael in Technology

Spyware repair

I’ve long talked about the Michael’s Guide section of my site. It includes some instructions and tips on how to help you fix your own computer including an extensive section on viruses and spyware.

While I still believe that a lot of systems can be cleaned by end users, I’ve recently come upon a few systems that were so badly infected that there is no way that the average user could fix them short of reformatting the hard disk (which would result in data loss.)

If you feel you are in this situation, please contact me and I’d be glad to quote you a price on fixing your system. I’ll remove any spyware and viruses, install software to prevent future infections, update Windows with all current patches and updates and more. My prices are reasonable because I consider this a service to the computing community as a whole since infected computers on the internet hurt everyone.

Posted by Michael in Technology

Happy 30th Apple!

You already know I’m a fan of Apple computers so it won’t come to surprise that I think their 30th anniversary is a cool thing. Despite many woes over the years the company is going stronger than ever. Surprisingly, it isn’t their computers that put them in the great shape they’re in today, but instead it was their iPod. Of course, I never leave home these days without my iPod so maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Read the article at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Happy 30th Apple!

You already know I’m a fan of Apple computers so it won’t come to surprise that I think their 30th anniversary is a cool thing. Despite many woes over the years the company is going stronger than ever. Surprisingly, it isn’t their computers that put them in the great shape they’re in today, but instead it was their iPod. Of course, I never leave home these days without my iPod so maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Read the article at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Generate Secure Passwords

I just updated Michael’s Guide to Choosing Passwords with a new service from Steve Gibson’s (of the Security Now podcast) site.

The following is an excerpt from Michael’s Guide to Choosing Passwords
A good place to go for a totally random password is GRC’s Password Generator ( This website generates a totally secure, unique and random password everytime you refresh the page. It will generate a 63 character password. If you need a shorter one, just grab as many characters as you need.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Site Updates, Technology

Cool Keyboard

Take a look at this new keyboard. It’s a prototype called the Optimus. It uses OLED screens on each key to make it infinately customizable. You can make the keyboard display specific keys for any application.

Check it out at Gizmodo.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Cool Keyboard

Take a look at this new keyboard. It’s a prototype called the Optimus. It uses OLED screens on each key to make it infinately customizable. You can make the keyboard display specific keys for any application.

Check it out at Gizmodo.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology