This time last year the news was full of stories about retail stores that were boycotting the word Christmas in their advertising. They were saying “Happy Holidays”, “Season’s Greetings” or some other rubbish. Now this year after listening to their customers those same stores are announcing that they are going to stop pretending the holiday is not called Christmas.
While they say that they are doing it because of the complaints of the religious folks, I think that the reason reason to do this is that Christmas is NOT just a religious holiday! No where in the Christian mythology does Santa come sliding down a chimney!
There are two versions of Christmas. There is the one that the religious folks celebrate by going to a church and then there is the sectarian holiday that we all celebrate with Santa, reindeer, christmas trees etc.The ability of people to find new ways to be offended is truly amazing to me. There are many injustices in this world. Taking the time to create imaginary ones is such a waste of time.
I should note that there is one obviously exception to this new found realization that people like Christmas. Best Buy has decided to continue to attempt to be politically correct by making themselves look ridiculous and banning the word Christmas. Well, I never did like the store all that much anyway. I’ve been a loyal Circuit City customer for years now.
Read more on MSNBC.