christmas lights

Winter in Wilmington Photos

I just posted some photos from another one of our socially distanced Christmas activities this past year, a visit to Winter in Wilmington. It was a light display set up in a parking lot on the waterfront in Wilmington, Delaware. You may recognize this (but you probably won’t) as the area where Joe Biden gave his victory speech when he finally won the presidency a month or so earlier. It was a fun excursion since we weren’t doing much else over the holidays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conveniently, it also is right across the parking lot from one of our favorite seafood restaurants, Big Fish Grill, so we did some curbside pickup and took home a delicious meal. Check out the photos here. 

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

South Jersey Christmas Lights Photos

I’ve finally gotten around to posting the few photos I have from this last Christmas. In a normal non-COVID year, we would spend Christmas week visiting with friends and family, cooking big meals at my house, meeting them at restaurants, going to Christmas shows, traveling to their houses, etc. Of course, thanks to the pandemic, none of that was in the cards. So, we did something we haven’t done in a long time. We researched some of the most wildly decorated homes in the area and drove around to look at them. From a small home in Hi-Nella to a compound in Hammonton, we found a high tech digital light display, an entire street that goes way overboard with lawn decor, and more. It was a fun way to spend a few socially distant evenings. There’s even a video! Take a look at the photos and video here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

National Lampoon House Photos

In December 2019, when I heard there was a guy in East Greenwich Township that decorated his home to look like Clark Griswold’s house from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, I knew I needed to go see it. On a cold and icy night, we drove down there and I’m glad we did! Besides covering his house with lights, he even had a Ford Taurus station wagon with an uprooted tree on the roof, a period Chicago Police car and Cousin’s Eddie’s RV. The little touches like a mannequin of Cousin Eddie himself, a burned out chair with a fried cat on the bottom and a disc sled with hole in it made us feel like we were in the movie. Oh, and did I mention that Clark himself was hanging from the rain gutter? His neighbors probably hate him for the crowds he draws to their dead-end street, but this guy truly wins Christmas!

Click here to view the photos.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Shady Brook Farms Holiday Light Show Photos

Shady Brook Farms PhotosEvery year we look for fun “Christmas-y” places to visit during Christmas week. One new place we discovered this year was Shady Brook Farms in Bucks County, PA. Their Christmas light display consists of over 3 million lights and includes displays ranging from light tunnels to iconic structures from around to the world to almost anything else you can imagine.You can drive through or ride on a tractor pulled wagon. We opted for the open air wagon ride because who wants to take pictures from behind glass while driving. Of course, I took full advantage of the wagon ride to take a bunch of photos.

You can check out the photos right here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates