May 2024
While looking for day trips around South Jersey, we found the Woodstown Central Railroad. It's a tourist train that runs through Southern Gloucester County. Despite not necessarily being big train buffs, we always seem to wind up on trains since they're a relaxing way to spend a day seeing some scenery that we might not otherwise see. Plus, this one is close to home.

The First National Bank building in Woodstown is such a cool building

The caboose and one of the locomotives

The Oldmans Creek car

We rode on the Woodstown car

One of 2 locomotives pulling the train today.

Waiting for boarding to begin

One of the 2 locomotives pulling the train today

Am I about to be hit by a train? You be the judge.

The Oldmans Creek car

The other locomotive

The Oldmans Creek car sits ready for passengers to board

Our locomotive is ready to take us on a trip

The old lady shooting a finger gun might be a train robber

Passing Memorial Lake on our train ride

A tiny car and a tiny house. Makes sense.

Aboard the train travelling through Gloucester County

You never know when you'll see a random treehouse

Crossing a muddy little creek

Travelling through southern Goucester County farm country

Clouds above and below

Luckily our train is is much better shape than this locomotive