March 2024
When you hear Corning, you think glass. That's why we spent a most of our day there at the Museum of Glass. We saw glass being made, learned about the history of glass and, most importantly, learned how glass shaped this city. We also walked around downtown, walked across the river and had lunch at a neat old café.

There's a lot of history in the city of Corning

We didn't have time to go to the Rockwell museum, but the outside is pretty cool

Of course, Corning has a clock made of glass

This clock tower greets you as you begin to walk across the Centerway

The Centerway is a really nice pedestrian bridge

The Centerway crosses the Chemung River

The Little Joe Tower is a Corning landmark. It was used to create glass tubes for thermometers.

One of the biggest reasons we came to Corning is for the Corning Museum of Glass

Unsurprisingly, the museum features a Dale Chihuly sculpture

I love the wide open white halls of the museum. They really show off the glass artifacts and art.

That's a lot of glasses!

I don't think I'd want to pet this rabbit

There are lamps and lights of every type here

I assume these came from a winery on the sun?

A sausage lamp because, sure, why not?

This glass sculpting demo was a lot of fun

This little bird was the end result of the glass sculpting demo

Don't forget the glass bottles too

Corningware casserole dishes come from Corning too!

There's nothing for scale, but these fruits are a few feet tall

Waiting for a live glass blowing demo to begin

Heating glass in the kiln for blowing

I don't know how she even works that close to the red hot molten glass

Shaping the hot glass in molds

Torching her almost finished work of art

I'm not sure glass is the most suitable material for furniture

When you need a chandelier for your funhouse

We literally use these exact bowls at home every day!

Wow, now that's a punchbowl!

So many of the Christmas ornaments you've ever seen were manufactured here in Corning or in Wellsboro.

This stained glass window is a work of art

I'm not sure what happens if you swallow this American flag capsule but it's glass so I'll leave it to someone else to find out.

These glass Monopoly boards were actually for sale.

Walking back over the Centerway

The drive-through at this bank is a bit fancier than most

We stopped for lunch at the Old World Cafe and were really glad we did

We stopped for lunch at the Old World Cafe and were really glad we did

The Sprague Insurance Building is one of many neat old buildings in downtown Corning

One of the old Corning Glass Works buildings

West Main Street in downtown Corning