November 2022
A few years ago, we went to Easton, PA for their garlic festival and t was a lot of fun. Check that out here. So, when we heard they were having a bacon festival, we knew we wanted to go. We braved the massive crowd and sampled some delicious bacon products. We also watched the hog calling contest (seriously). We might have hung around longer, but the crowds were getting to be a little too much. I'm really glad they had a great turnout, but it made it really hard to walk around.

I believe the bugler on top of the pillar is announcing the arrival of the bacon

Bacon was the star of the day, but some other parts of the pig showed up too like these ribs

Stewart's was selling a lot root beer to wash down all that bacon

Spinning the Wawa wheel to win free hoagies

This piece of slab bacon was just as delicious as it looks!

Mac & cheese with whiskey bacon made a great lunch

Bacon cannoli? You bet!

Time for the hog calling contest

I don't know where you buy a suit like that, but I guarantee this guy has been waiting all year to wear it.

Ending the day with a piece of chocolate covered bacon for dessert