November 2022
It's always fun to walk around Peddler's Village and get some Christmas shopping done. This visit was on a rainy evening, but the wet sidewalks just made the Christmas lights look even more magical. We also walked across the street to check out their annual gingerbread house competition entrees. The judging was already complete but we saw some cool creations.

It might be rainy, but the village still looks festive.

It might be rainy, but the village still looks festive.

As darkness falls, you start to realize how many lights decorate the village

The gingerbread houses in this contest are at another level

A gingerbread White House

This gingerbread house looks like it would be delicious

This really isn't a gingerbread house, but but it is quite a piece of fondant art.

I'd definitely have to vote for a National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation gingerbread house

The rain makes the Christmas lights sparkle even more

The rain makes the Christmas lights sparkle even more

The rain makes the Christmas lights sparkle even more

The rain makes the Christmas lights sparkle even more

Walking through the village when it's quiet

The village really shines at Christmas

Celebrating 60 years of Peddler's Village