April 2019
Because we got ahead of schedule with our time in Grand Canyon National Park, we made the decision to splurge and schedule a helicopter flight over and through the canyon. That was most definitely money well spent! We even got to sit up front with the pilot. After landing back at the Grand Canyon Airport, we headed back into the park for a third day and checked out the remaining points of interest on our list and took in the incredible views once more.

Arriving at the Grand Canyon airport for a helicopter tour

Arriving at the Grand Canyon airport for a helicopter tour

Helicopters are coming and going. We'll be taking a slightly fancier aircraft.

We will be taking the yellow "imperial" route

No shortage of choppers here

There's our ride!

We got to ride upfront with the pilot

Headed out over Kaibab National Forest toward the south rim of the Grand Canyon

Headed out over Kaibab National Forest toward the south rim of the Grand Canyon

Headed out over Kaibab National Forest toward the south rim of the Grand Canyon

Headed out over Kaibab National Forest toward the south rim of the Grand Canyon

It's amazing how the forest just drops off and the canyon begins. They were literally playing dramatic music at this point of the tour.

My mother and our pilot

Flying low over the South Rim

Flying low over the South Rim

You can't get views like this from the ground!

You can't get views like this from the ground!

The Colorado River snakes through the Grand Canyon. This is definitely the best way to view it!

The Colorado River snakes through the Grand Canyon. This is definitely the best way to view it!

The Colorado River snakes through the Grand Canyon. This is definitely the best way to view it!

The Colorado River snakes through the Grand Canyon. This is definitely the best way to view it!

The Colorado River snakes through the Grand Canyon. This is definitely the best way to view it!

Flying over some of the less developed parts of the South Rim

The Grand Canyon gets narrower as we go

Some of these views of the grand Canyon and Colorado River don't even seem real, yet I took these photos myself

Some of these views of the grand Canyon and Colorado River don't even seem real, yet I took these photos myself

Looking over the South Rim as the Grand Canyon narrows

Some of the many rapids in the Colorado River

Some of these views of the grand Canyon and Colorado River don't even seem real, yet I took these photos myself

The North Rim of the Grand Canyon is much more wild

I didn't expect that we'd see snow in Arizona but there it is on the North Rim

I didn't expect that we'd see snow in Arizona but there it is on the North Rim

I didn't expect that we'd see snow in Arizona but there it is on the North Rim

Flying back over the expanse that is the Grand Canyon

Flying back over the expanse that is the Grand Canyon

There's a lot of helicopter traffic ahead of us as we fly back to the south room

There's a lot of helicopter traffic ahead of us as we fly back to the south room

We're back over the South Rim as our flight nears its end

You're definitely never alone in the skies above the Grand Canyon

That's the Grand Canyon Squire Inn where we're staying

Approaching the landing pad back at Grand Canyon Airport

And we are back on the ground

This helicopter gave us an unforgettable (and air-conditioned) ride

Another chopper heads off to the Grand Canyon

Back to walking the South Rim of the canyon

If you want to hike down into the canyon, there's one of the trails you could take.

Back to walking the South Rim of the canyon

We're brave when there's a safety rail along the rim!

We're brave when there's a safety rail along the rim!

The canyon seems to go on forever

I don't think this sign could be much more clear, but we saw plenty of people risking their lives throughout the park.

Have I mentioned that these pictures don't look real to me even though I took them?

Have I mentioned that these pictures don't look real to me even though I took them?

This little blue bird in mid-hop is a Mexican Jay

This little blue bird is a Mexican Jay

One last glimpse of the Grand Canyon before heading out of the park

We never got to see a real mountain lion but this one is probably a lot safer anyway

It is nearly impossible to get a picture of the Grand Canyon National Park sign without someone standing in front of it. This is about the best I could do!

We stayed at the Grand Canyon Squire Inn in Tusayan

It's hard to miss our hotel with the giant eagle statue out front

We liked the Big E Steakhouse the previous night so we went back again

We liked the Big E Steakhouse the previous night so we went back again