July 2018
We spent the day at the Kincardine Scottish Festival and Highland Games. Even though it was pretty hot and sunny out, we had a great day. We tried our hand at curling, not on ice but a synthetic surface. I can't imagine doing it on ice! We heard more pipe bands than I can count. I'll be probably hearing bagpipes in my ears for a few days but it was worth it as there were some really great bands from Canada and the US there. We snacked on traditional Canadian foods like butter tarts, pea meal bacon sandwiches, local cheese curds and more. We also walked down the hill to the Highland Games part of the event. We expected to spend a short time there just checking it out and, before we knew it, we'd been there for several hours. It's really a lot of fun to watch! My back hurts just watching those guys toss around 56 pound balls, or 100 pound 22 foot cabers. There were nine events and they're all pretty riveting! My event was walking back up the hill! We ended the day with a drive to Barrie which would be our home base for the following two nights.