March - April 2018
We stayed our last night in Corydon, Indiana so we'd be closer to Louisville for our flight home. It was a random choice based on where Hilton properties were located, but it turned out to be a good one since we got to do a little sightseeing in the morning. We checked out the downtown area of Corydon, which was the first state capital of Kentucky. We saw the original statehouse, visited the Constitution Elm and stopped by the infamously named Butt Drugs. Once we got back to Louisville, we toured the massive Cave Hill Cemetery with its many famous occupants including Colonel Harlan Sanders. Lastly, we took a final walk around Louisville and had lunch at Fourth Street Live! before hopping on our flight home.

We woke up in Corydon, Indiana for our last day of the trip. Our flight home isn't until the evening.

When in Corydon, you have to visit Butt Drugs. They were closed since it was a Sunday.

The first state capitol of Indiana

The state constitution of Indiana was written under this elm tree

The state constitution of Indiana was written under this elm tree

The state constitution of Indiana was written under this elm tree

This cabin was owned by William Henry Harrison

And we're back in Kentucky. Apparently Bevin is still governor.

The Muhammad Ali Center in downtown Louisville

Louisville Slugger Field, was there ever a more appropriate sponsorship of a ballpark?

At Cave Hill Cemetery, checking out some unique headstones

Cave Hill Cemetery is huge and has every kind of headstone imaginable

Bronze bullbog on a grave? Sure, why not?

You don't see a lot of stained glass used on tombstones

A rock with geese flying over it has to be the most unique headstone I've seen

We actually didn't realize Colonel Sanders was buried here. Good thing we decided to explore!

Colonel Sanders' grave is as magnificent as you'd expect it to be

Colonel Sanders' grave is as magnificent as you'd expect it to be

Colonel Sanders' grave is as magnificent as you'd expect it to be

The dog statue caught a frisbee. That's impressive!

Having a bunch of bronze kids playing on your grave is a little random, but it does show some happiness

OK, this headstone is just creepy.

Walking through Cave Hill Cemetery

Someone with money is definitely buried here

All shapes, sizes and ages of headstones/memorials

This cave is why the cemetery is named Cave Hill Cemetery

The lake at the center of the cemetery

Cave Hill is also home to a National Cemetery

Even the Canada geese are respectful at Cave Hill National Cemetery

Even the Canada geese are respectful at Cave Hill National Cemetery

Not my choice for a headstone, but you do you, I guess.

The perfect alignment of the headstones in Cave Hill National Cemetery is so cool

Tomb of the unknown Union soldiers

This mausoleum is built right into the hill

When you want a giant ball at your gravesite, you get this

Back at Fourth Street Live! for lunch. It's much less crowded on a Sunday!

Lifting off from Louisville International with another plane taking off from a parallel runway