July 2018
Everyone knows I like a good zoo. Animals are fun to photograph. I'd never been to the Brandywine Zoo in Wilmington, Delaware even though it's only a few minutes from home, so we decided to finally check it out. It's a very small zoo, but it's a lot of fun. You can get up close with the animals and it it's easy to see all of it in a few hours. Of course, we chose the hottest day ever to visit, but we survived even if a few of the animals looked very tired due to the oppressive heat too.

This condor is amazing. It just sits right up at the fence watching people and showing off.

This condor is amazing. It just sits right up at the fence watching people and showing off.

This condor is amazing. It just sits right up at the fence watching people and showing off.

Red pandas are too cute

Black headed caique

Say hello to an african pygmy goat

Greater rhea

Up close and personal with a greater rhea

Llamas hanging out in the shade

I think this blue-throated macaw is trying to eat his way out of his enclosure

The capybara looks tired today

Bald eagles never cease to impress

I think we caught the river otters at nap time

One of the river otters finally woke up

This burrowing owl’s eyes are burrowing into me!

Bobcat hanging out in the shade


The zoo sits along the beautiful Brandywine River