August 2016
We got up and headed out of Saint John travelling north on NB-114. We saw and/or stopped at multiple covered bridges along the way. Yes, Canada has covered bridges too! Who knew? This would be a good time to mention that the Bay of Fundy has the largest tides in the world. The water rises and falls approximately 50 feet twice per day. It's an incredible sight. We stopped at Alma at low tide, walked on the bay floor at Hopewell Rocks at low tide and then went back to Alma for lunch (a delicious lobster roll because we were now out of scallop country and into lobster country) as the tide began to rise. By the time we got back to Hopewell Rocks, the tide had come in and the area we walked on a few hours before was under 30+ feet of rushing water! We also stopped in Shediac to see the world's largest lobster statue because who doesn't love a good roadside attraction. We bunked in Moncton for the night.