August 2016
After landing in Halifax, we immediately drove west to Digby, where we'd be staying for 2 nights at the Admiral Digby Inn. We explored the town a little, drove to the village of Bear River and passed through the Bear River First Nation, a Mi’kmaq community. We ended the day with a delicious seafood dinner at the hotel restaurant. This would be a first of many seafood meals in the days to come. We also made a run to Tim Horton's for some donuts. No trip to Canada is complete without some Tim's.

Welcome to Canada

Adding Nova Scotia ot the list of states and provinces I’ve visited

We stopped at the Spitfire Arms in Windsor NS for lunch

Reaching our first destination, Digby, home of world famous Digby scallops

Scallop boats heading out

Our room at the Admiral Digby Inn had a great view of the Annapolis Basin

Our room at the Admiral Digby Inn had a great view of the Annapolis Basin

Scallop boat heading out

The Annapolis Basin at low tide

At low tide, the Bear River barely flows

The village of Bear River is one of many impacted by the amazing Fundy tides

Bear River Cultural Center in the Bear River First Nation Mikmaq community

The Bear River First Nation is a Mikmaq community near the village of Bear River

And this is why we make all stop signs red octagons. The language is Mikmaq because we were in the Bear River First Nation.

Scallop boat heading out

Our room at the Admiral Digby Inn had a great view of the Annapolis Basin

The Admiralty Room restaurant at the Admiral Digby Inn served a delicious seafood platter

Scallop fishermen keep tough hours

When in Canada, you MUST go to Tim Hortons. No one does donuts like Tims.