Philadelphia Zoo with Sadie August 2013 The Philadelphia Zoo is always a fun place to visit. I've been there dozens of times but try to get there every few years to see what's new and changed. This visit was my niece Sadie's first trip to our nation's oldest zoo. The lemurs and monkeys can travel around the zoo via the Treetop Trail Flat tailed spider tortoise The tortoises were out enjoying the sunny day The tortoises were out enjoying the sunny day The tortoises were out enjoying the sunny day Goat action shot! The penguins are my personal favorites Flamingos Flamingos Kangaroos Sadie stops for a rest The polar bear found a shady place to sleep Pausing for a photo op Zebra Mhorr gazzelle Giraffe Giraffe The pelican was kind enough to pose for a photo A girraffe straw makes everything taste better Figuring out where to head next Our navigator is a 3 year old Sadie enjoyed the pony ride much more than the girl giving it Sadie enjoyed the pony ride much more than the girl giving it Sadie enjoyed the pony ride much more than the girl giving it The chimps were the most active animals we saw Gorilla A tortoise and his tomato Return to Photos Share this:TweetEmail