August - September 2004
Pacific Grove, Asilomar, Rosedale Inn, 17 Mile Drive, Spanish Bay Golf Resort, Pebble Beach Golf Resort., Carmel, Carmel Mission, Point Lobos State Reserve, Big Sur, Nepenthe, Deetjen's

Rosedale Inn in Pacfiic Grove

The boardwalk in Asilomar

Thankfully we came across no mountain lions

Alicia at Asilomar

Victor is ready to scare off mountain lions

Our cabin at the Rosedale Inn

The trophy case of the Links at Spanish Bay

The terrace at Spanish Bay

Cypress trees along 17 Mile Drive

The Lone Cypress which is the official logo of Pebble Beach Resorts

The "Ghost Tree" at Pebble Beach

A squirrel along 17 Mile Drive

Cypress tree on 17 Mile Drive

A squirrel on 17 Mile Drive

The Links at Pebble Beach

Trophy case at the Links at Pebble Beach

Pebble Beach sign

The mission at Carmel

The mission at Carmel

The mission at Carmel

Point Lobos State Reserve

Whaler's Cove at Point Lobos State Reserve

The "Old Veteran" cypress tree at Point Lobos State Reserve

Nepenthe restaurant in Big Sur where Rita used to work

Nepenthe restaurant in Big Sur where Rita used to work

The terrace at Nepenthe in Big Sur where Rita used to work

The fire pit at Nepenthe is a bit of an institution in its own right

Deetjen's in Big Sur where RIta also used to work

Redwood trees behind Deetjen's in Big Sur

Waterfall at Deetjen's in Big Sur

Cabin at Deetjen's in Big Sur

Big Sur

The marine layer coming in on Big Sur

The marine layer returns in the form of a cloud wall on Big Sur