
Photos and photography

What I did on my summer vacation… in photos

I just posted four new albums of photos. They are all a result of my summer trip to North Carolina.  Our trip was slightly disjointed with stops independent and unrelated stops in more than a half dozen cities spanning three states. As a result, the photos are broken out into separate albums.

Our vacation was primarily based around visiting cousins on both of sides of my dad’s family (the Torettas and the Gattis) who live in North Carolina. Photos from the Raleigh-Durham and Pinehurst areas are right here.

After leaving North Carolina, we stopped in Charlottesville, Virginia and visited Thomas Jefferson’s home, Monticello and James Madison’s Montpelier. Photos from that part of our trip can be found in their own album here.

Continuing north, we stopped in Maryland to visit The Maryland State Barbecue Championship and Festival in Bel Air and the Havre de Grace Seafood festival. Between sampling the amazing food at each festival I took photos that you can view here.

Our final stop was in Rising Sun, Maryland to visit the Plumpton Park Zoo. Besides visiting this cool little country zoo, we also stopped and visited the dairy that makes the amazing ice cream that we found at the seafood festival. The Rising Sun photo are here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Conowingo Dam Tour Photos

Conowingo DamMy family and I have been driving over the Conowingo Dam coming and going from my uncle’s house for many years. I never knew too much about it. While at the Havre de Grace seafood festival we signed a petition in support of the relicensing of the dam. As a result we were notified about an open house and tour being held down there. It was a fun day and the tour was extremely interesting. I’d never been inside a hydro electric plant before and really knew very little about the history or workings of the Conowingo plant.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Photos from an Historic Trip to Fort Miles

HECP TowerTwo years ago while in Lewes, DE visiting a family friend, we took a ride to Cape Henlopen State Park because there was an event going on at Fort Miles. I knew that my grandfather was stationed somewhere in the Lewes area during World War 2, but didn’t know much more than he was stationed on some sort of signal tower. During a tour of Battery 519, the guide was talking about how there had been a Navy unit stationed at the base and as he explained their function, monitoring and challenging ships coming into into the bay, it became apparent this was what my grandfather did. I commented on this fact when I posted the photos I took that day to my website. (You can view them here.)

Over a year later, I got an e-mail from someone from the Fort Miles Historical Society asking if I had any photos taken during my grandfather’s time there. As it turns out, my grandfather has an album that documents his entire time in the Navy. Some of the photos of the base in my grandfather’s album included some never before seen views. After sharing the photos and talking to several others including a historian, I helped my grandfather record some narrations and answer some questions. Before we knew it we were heading to Fort Miles so he could be interviewed.

A few weeks ago we went down there with my grandfather to meet the guys from Fort Miles, tour the base and discuss his memories of his time there. It was incredibly rewarding to be able to help preserve the history of the base, a history that my grandfather was a part of. It was just as rewarding to be able to walk around with him at a place that he hadn’t been back to for nearly 70 years and likely thought he’d never return to. I’m sure that the 22 year old Navy Signalman 2nd Class (SN2) who stood watch on that tower would never believe he’d someday return with his daughter and grandson, both adults, to be interviewed about his everyday activities of 70 years prior.

You can view the photos here.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Life, Photography, Site Updates

Photo Upgrade Complete

For all two or three of you out there who are interested or will notice, I’ve finally completed the upgrade of all of the photos in the photos section of the site. All of the photos now have larger thumbnails and larger full size versions. I’ve also retouched any of the photos that were not previously retouched.

This slow 3 year long project is a precursor to cross-posting most of my photos to Flickr. Check out the upgraded photos right here!

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Jim Thorpe WinterFest and Yeungling Photos

Inn at Jim ThorpeOne advantage of being stuck at home all last week was that I caught up on a lot of reading and got caught up on posting photos. I posted 2 new albums from the same trip.

The first is from the WinterFest in Jim Thorpe, PA. It features ice carving, chainsaw carving, concerts, Mug Walk, shopping and all of the fun that goes along with a small town winter festival. Check it out here.

On the way home from Jim Thorpe we stopped at the Yuengling Brewery in Pottsville. it was a very cool tour. Check out the photos from America’s Oldest Brewery right here.

We also stopped at a restaurant in Hershey that has inspired me to started writing some reviews for Yelp, UrbanSpoon, etc. More about that to come soon.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Michigan Photos

Grand HotelIt’s taken way too long, but I finally got around to getting the photos from my summer vacation posted. This is one of the problems with having an iPad and iPhone. So many people have already seen these photos that there aren’t enough people pestering me to see them. However, I know that there are many people out there who don’t see me in person and haven’t gotten to see these photos.

For those of you who don’t know, our trip took us to Mackinac Island, Frankenmuth, The Henry Ford in Dearborn, Holland, Petoskey and a tiny little airport called Pellston Regional. I’ve also included a few short videos from the trip. It can all be found right here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Photos from New Hope to Lansdale Train Trip

New Hope RailroadAnd here’s another album of photos that has been languishing on my desktop for way too long. They were taken on on a trip from new Hope To Landsdale, Pennsylvania. The New Hope and Ivyland Railroad is a vintage tourist railroad. For Lansdale’s Founders Day they took the antique steam locomotive and passenger cars out onto SEPTA’s tracks. After a stop at SEPTA’s Warminster station we arrived in Lansdale to enjoy the festivities before heading back to New Hope aboard the train. You can check out the photos here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates

Easton Garlic Fest Photos

Easton Garlic FestI’m finally cleaning out the backlog of photos that I’ve been meaning to post on my website. I just posted some photos from the Easton, PA garlic Festival. They can be found right here.

Posted by Michael in Photography, Site Updates