
Info about what’s going on in my life or life in general

Scott and Casey are back on the air!!!

Beginning tomorrow, my favorite radio show of all time will be back!!! Scott & Casey, formerly of New Jersey 101.5 have resurfaced in Saint Louis on KTRS!

Scott and Casey will fill the morning drive time slot on KTRS “The Big 550” AM. This station is cool enough to stream so you’ll be able to hear S&C worldwide! I already bought a copy of Audio Hijack and will be recording the stream to listen to on my iPod everyday. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to hear the guys.

A special thanks to Mike of (formerly of for letting me know about this exciting turn of events. I really didn’t think we’d be seeing the guys back on the air again.

Listen to the stream directly at target=”_blank”

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Happy 2006!

Here’s the first blog post of 2006! It’s an automated post, but still, it’s one minute after midnight when you’re getting to see this, so HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006!

Posted by Michael in Life

Merry Christmas!

No, I’m not actually blogging on Christmas Day, but this is an automated post just to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. And since Hanukkah starts tonight as well, Happy Hanukkah!

Enjoy your holidays. I hope they are stress free!

Posted by Michael in Life

Happy Festivus!

For those who never watched Seinfeld (are there really peope who didn’t?), you’l have no idea what i’m talking about. Aparently Festivus is getting bigger by the year even though the shows been gone for a whoile now.

So, even though it’s last minute, you should hurry and run out to get your Festivus Pole and settle down with a glass of Festivus Wine.

Here’s wishing you and your family a Happy Festivus… let the feats of strength begin!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Tampon Angels? Yes, Tampon Angels.

Over the past few years my mother has made an sold hundreds of angel ornaments made out of tampons. Thye are about as unique of a Christmas items as you can imagine. Because of their huge popularity, I’m now selling them on eBay. Click here to see what I have up on eBay including the angels.

If I currently have none on eBay and/or you’re interested in purchasing more than I have listed, or even if you have questions, just contact me!

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness

More of me out there

A curious thing has been happening on my site lately. I’ve gotten several people who are named Michael Gatti e-mailing me/signing my guestbook to let me know they share my name. I don’t know what the sudden interest is, but I find it interesting.

You can see their entries in my Guestbook. Guess it’s a good thing I registered this domain name years ago!

Posted by Michael in Life

Puzzle season

For those who may not have noticed, I’m selling jigsaw puzzles on eBay again. They are one of my most popular items. Go bid now if you’re interested!

Michael’s eBay Items

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you all get to spend some time with your family and enjoy some parades and turkey!

Also, good luck to all of you who are going out Black Friday shopping tomorrow. (as I do every year!)

Posted by Michael in Life

Christmas stuff on eBay

I’ve been posting all of my Christmas items on eBay since the Christmas shopping season has begun. Click on the eBay link in the sidebar to see what I’ve got or just click here.

If you like jigsaw puzzles, keep an eye out in the next week for a lot of them!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Sign of the times – What’s a film camera?

A few days ago I went to a birthday party for my friend’s daughter. She’s three years old. I was taking photos of the event with my digital camera, but someone else was using a disposable film camera. The birthday girl ran over to her and asked to see the pictures she’d just taken as she pulled down on her hand to see the back of the camera. I thought it was pretty funny to see that in her mind all cameras are digital cameras. Maybe film cameras are going the way of vinyl records. (You know, those black frisbees that your parents have in the basement.)

Posted by Michael in Life, Technology