
Info about what’s going on in my life or life in general

Happy Groundhog Day!

GroundhogThere are a lot of holidays, but one of the most fun ones in my opinion occurs today. By the time this post shows up on my site, Punxsutawney Phil won’t have made his forecast yet, but I’m hoping he sees his shadow so we can have some more winter weather!

In celebration of Groundhog Day, visit the official site at, and while you’re at it, you should go rent one of the best movies of all time, Groundhog Day.

One of these years I’ll make it out to Punxsutawney to see it in person! I’ve always wanted to be out there at Gobbler’s Knob in the freezing cold weather for the event. You have to go down there at about 3am. 🙂 And no, it’s not like it is in the movie. It’s actually not in the town center but on the outskirts and you have to either walk or take a shuttle bus. I of course would walk because I think it would add to the experience. 😉

UPDATE: Phil did see his shadow. More winter to come! Yay! CNN says so.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Happy Groundhog Day!

GroundhogThere are a lot of holidays, but one of the most fun ones in my opinion occurs today. By the time this post shows up on my site, Punxsutawney Phil won’t have made his forecast yet, but I’m hoping he sees his shadow so we can have some more winter weather!

In celebration of Groundhog Day, visit the official site at, and while you’re at it, you should go rent one of the best movies of all time, Groundhog Day.

One of these years I’ll make it out to Punxsutawney to see it in person! I’ve always wanted to be out there at Gobbler’s Knob in the freezing cold weather for the event. You have to go down there at about 3am. 🙂 And no, it’s not like it is in the movie. It’s actually not in the town center but on the outskirts and you have to either walk or take a shuttle bus. I of course would walk because I think it would add to the experience. 😉

UPDATE: Phil did see his shadow. More winter to come! Yay! CNN says so.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Ta-da List Rocks!

I have a new addictioon. It’s I use to-do lists constantly to keep myself organized and get everything done, but I usually just put them on a sticky note on my desktop. Now with Ta-da List, I can have a web-based to-do list that follows me everyplace I go.

Best of all, it’s free. Check it out at You’ll love the satisfacation that checking off items gives you! 😉

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Can it really be 20 years since Challenger?

Challenger Patch
Wow, this one really makes me feel old! It was twenty years ago today that the space shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off from Kennedy Space Center. It’s one of the first historical moment that I remeber witnessing. It was the first “remember where you were” moment I had. I know that I was at my Grandparents’ house sitting on the floor watching the launch live.

The following people were lost with the Challenger…
Francis R. (Dick) Scobee
Michael J. Smith
Judith A. Resnik
Ronald E. McNair
Ellison S. Onizuka
Gregory B. Jarvis
Sharon Christa McAuliffe

Click here for a photo of the memorial to the crew at Arlington National Cemetary that I took when I was there.

Check out NASA’s bios of the crew.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Can it really be 20 years since Challenger?

Challenger Patch
Wow, this one really makes me feel old! It was twenty years ago today that the space shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lift-off from Kennedy Space Center. It’s one of the first historical moment that I remeber witnessing. It was the first “remember where you were” moment I had. I know that I was at my Grandparents’ house sitting on the floor watching the launch live.

The following people were lost with the Challenger…
Francis R. (Dick) Scobee
Michael J. Smith
Judith A. Resnik
Ronald E. McNair
Ellison S. Onizuka
Gregory B. Jarvis
Sharon Christa McAuliffe

Click here for a photo of the memorial to the crew at Arlington National Cemetary that I took when I was there.

Check out NASA’s bios of the crew.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

My pet peeve… Cold myths!

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people mistakenly think that going out in cold weather causes you to catch a cold. A cold is a virus, people! It’s something you catch just like the flu or any other sickness.

Common sense should tell you that a temperature can’t give you a virus, but in case you don’t believe me, take a look at Ask Yahoo!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Gatti Family Tree Offline

You may have noticed that The Gatti Family Tree website is currently offline. I’m sorry to dissapoint anyone who was looking for it. I did not want to take it down but some family issues forced me to.

While there is no estimated time until its return, it will soon be back and better than ever. Keep watching my site for updates.

In the meantime if you are someone who’s doing genealogy research and are looking for any info on the Gatti, Pannazzolo, Monzeglio, Martinetti families please get in touch with me because I’d love to talk to you and compare info.

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Life, Site Updates

Scary article about diabetes

The front page story of today’s New York Times is an article about diabetes and what an epidemic is becoming. It really makes you stop to think. You probbaly know plenty of people with the disease, but this article really akes it clear that it is VERY quickly climbing the list of the most fatal diseases.

You’ll need to sign up for a free account to read the article (or use Bug Me Not) but it’s worth the effort. This is an important story.

Read the sobering article here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

S&C are really back!

Before I left for work this morning I found that my new software setup was sucessfully recording Scott and Casey. I also heard the first few minutes of the show. It was nice to hear them again. I didn’t hear much but I did hear Casey say that it isn’t their fault that they replaced the old guys. This made me think of the same type of attitudes that were around when they came to and left New Jersey 101.5. (Of course, when they left it was pretty justified since Craig Carton really does have a terrible show.

Apparently their new station, KTRS, gutted its staff before hiring them. Hopefully the listeners in Saint Louis will take to them more than the ones in Detriot did.

Look for more info and discussion about the show over at

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness

Scott and Casey are back on the air!!!

Beginning tomorrow, my favorite radio show of all time will be back!!! Scott & Casey, formerly of New Jersey 101.5 have resurfaced in Saint Louis on KTRS!

Scott and Casey will fill the morning drive time slot on KTRS “The Big 550” AM. This station is cool enough to stream so you’ll be able to hear S&C worldwide! I already bought a copy of Audio Hijack and will be recording the stream to listen to on my iPod everyday. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to hear the guys.

A special thanks to Mike of (formerly of for letting me know about this exciting turn of events. I really didn’t think we’d be seeing the guys back on the air again.

Listen to the stream directly at target=”_blank”

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life