
Info about what’s going on in my life or life in general

Luau photos

I just finished posting the photos from the luau. Check them out now at Enjoy. If you’re in any of the photos and want an un-watermarked copy, let me know.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography, Site Updates

A Hawaiian Success!

Mom & Dad at LuauAfter 2 months of planning and shopping and 2 days of cooking, the big Anniversary Luau was a huge success. Everything went smoothly and everyone had a great time.
Besides planning and cooking etc., I was also of course the photographer. I woking on the photos and they’ll be on the web very soon.

Thanks to everyone who made this day so special. You all helped create a day that my parents won’t soon forget.

Posted by Michael in Life

5 Years

Wow, can it already have been five years since the horrific events of September 11th 2001? It’s amazing when you think about it. It seems like just yesterday that I was at home sleeping and my father woke me up and told me that the World Trade Center and Pentagon had been attacked.

The terrorists tried to change the way that we live, and in that regard they succeeded.  But, it wasn’t in the way they expected. They pulled the country together and showed all the best in the American people. What’s more amazing is that the shock still hasn’t worn off either. The bright part in it all is that I think we can all be pretty sure we won’t let it happen again.

Posted by Michael in Life

The Luau is still on

Keep watching for up to the minute status, but as of right now the luau is on as planned. The weather forecast is very promising! Apparently luck is on our side!

Posted by Michael in Life

First MacBook post

Some of you may know that my beloved 600 MHz iBook G3 died last week.
After a trip to see the Apple Genius and a determination that the logic board is dead, I decided to buy a new MacBook instead of paying to get it replaced.

This is my first blog post from my brand new dual core 2 GHz MacBook. (i got the white one, because I cant see paying more for some black paint.)

So far, I love it. I was nervous about getting an Intel Mac because most of my software will have to run using Roseta. After using Classic mode for years after upgrading to OS X I had a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to emulation. However, it has worked beautifully so far and it’s been seemless.

As usual, another great job by Apple.

Posted by Michael in Life, Technology

Am I a statistic?

OK, so everyone has read the stats that say that most people who create blogs eventually abandon them. Looking at this site for the past month or so, you’d easily think I was one of those people. Well, I’m not, at least not yet.

The reason I’ve been so scarce is just because of stress. I’ve had a lot of other stuff to deal with. I have some stuff that I want to out up on various parts of my website, but there just seems to be too many other things to work on instead. I’ll eventually get to it though.

Anyway, just bear with me. My website never stagnates for too long!

Posted by Michael in Life, Site Updates

It’s about time

Today is an important day in the history of the state of New Jersey. I know, you’re thinking, “He’s happy about tax day?”  Well, good news for you is that taxes aren’t du til the 17th this year, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Today is the day that New Jersey finally joins the ranks of other smarter states and enacts a ban on smoking in restaurants, bars and other public places. No longer will we have to be greeted with “smoking or non” when we enter a restaurant. Nor will we have to choke on smoke that wafts through the invisible wall that supposedly separates smoking and non-smoking sections.

All I can say is this law is way overdue. Learn more about why this is such good news at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Spring Snow

Today is the first day of spring. Usually I lament that it means no more winter and no more snow. Of course, today I drove to work in snow flurries and tomorrow night it’s supposed to snow again. Maybe this makes up for it being in the 60’s for half the winter!

Posted by Michael in Life inventory

After spending the past few weeks cleaning out the basement and some closets, I just added a ton of new books to my inventory. Feel free to check it out (and buy something if you find something you want!).

I especially added a lot of my old computer science textbooks. Check out my inventory right here.

Posted by Michael in Life

Charity page

I just added the first new page to my site in a while. Linked from the homepage you’ll find the new charitable causes page. It contains links to some charities I think are worth some attention.

Visit it directly right here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life, Site Updates