
Info about what’s going on in my life or life in general

Peddlers Village Christmas Festival

Peddler's VillageYou’ve seen my photos from Peddler’s Village taken during the summer. (If not, view them here.)  Their annual Christmas Festival was this past weekend, so Kelly and I went back to see what it’s like in winter. It’s a whole different experience. The sub-freezing temperature was made bearable by marshmallow roasting over an open fire, hot cider cooked over a fire, carolers and even a little parade to welcome Santa Claus. Add thousands of Christmas lights and you have a great start to the Christmas season!

Click here to view my pictures from the festival.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography, Site Updates

Big Photo Update

Pumpkin and MumI just added a bunch of new photos to the photos sectoin of the site. The first group is from July and is just a few snaps of flowers in the yard and a baby bunny rabbit in the yard.

The next contains photos from a Camden County Board of Freeholders meeting during which the man who saved my father’s life when he was choking at a diner was honored for his heroism. View those here.

Another small new album contains a few photos of a squirrel that I thought came out kind of nice. I’ll fill you in on the other bigger additions in separate posts. In the mean time check out all of my photos.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography, Site Updates

Lots of Fluffy photos

FluffyI’ve updated the album featuring our cat Fluffy. It includes photos from his entire life including photos that were taken before digital cameras were around. We lost him recently and I figured this was a fitting tribute to his memory.

View them here.

Posted by Michael in Life, Photography, Site Updates

Farewell Mr. Wizard

Mr. WizardYesterday the guy who got me interested in technology passed away. Mr. Wizard, whose real name was actually Don Herbert, created and starred in a show in the 1950’s called Watch Mr. Wizard. That show went off the air more than a decade before I was born.

If you grew up in the 1980’s, you more than likely grew up with your eyes glued to the only TV channel for kids, Nickelodeon. Most people loved Nickelodeon for You Can’t Do That on Television. However, I was way more excited when 1983 rolled around and Mr. Wizard returned to TV on Mr. Wizard’s World. Sure it was kind of campy and those kids were just a little too excited about helping out Mr. Wizard with his experiments, but at the the time, I would have given ANYTHING to be one of those kids!

Mr. Wizard had a way of making science make sense by using everyday household items with the random really cool items thrown in like a Jacob’s Ladder, a Van de Graaf generator or even a computer with a black and green screen that ran BASIC!

You can learn much more about the man who inspired so many kids at his website You can even purchase DVD’s of his shows on the website. I’m tempted to order them all.

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness, Technology

Farewell Mr. Wizard

Mr. WizardYesterday the guy who got me interested in technology passed away. Mr. Wizard, whose real name was actually Don Herbert, created and starred in a show in the 1950’s called Watch Mr. Wizard. That show went off the air more than a decade before I was born.

If you grew up in the 1980’s, you more than likely grew up with your eyes glued to the only TV channel for kids, Nickelodeon. Most people loved Nickelodeon for You Can’t Do That on Television. However, I was way more excited when 1983 rolled around and Mr. Wizard returned to TV on Mr. Wizard’s World. Sure it was kind of campy and those kids were just a little too excited about helping out Mr. Wizard with his experiments, but at the the time, I would have given ANYTHING to be one of those kids!

Mr. Wizard had a way of making science make sense by using everyday household items with the random really cool items thrown in like a Jacob’s Ladder, a Van de Graaf generator or even a computer with a black and green screen that ran BASIC!

You can learn much more about the man who inspired so many kids at his website You can even purchase DVD’s of his shows on the website. I’m tempted to order them all.

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness, Technology

A decade already?

10 Years on the WebIt’s hard to believe, but I’ve been maintaining this website for 10 years! It started as one simple web page and has slowly morphed into a site with over 1,000 pages. Sometimes it involves a lot of work, but it’s fun work. Whether anyone reads the site or not, it keeps my free time occupied!

So, in celebration of 10 years of Michael’s Piece of the Web, I’ve created a special section looking back at how the site that you see today came to be. Check it out right here.

Posted by Michael in Life, Site Updates

Merry Christmas!

Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas! I hope that you and your family the best Christmas ever!

Posted by Michael in Life

James Kim — 1971-2006

You probably already know that I was a huge fan of the long gone cable channel ZDTV/TechTV. One of the people who contributed to that channel’s success was James Kim. Last weekend he and his family disappeared while on their way home from Thanksgiving at a friend’s house in Oregon. After being lost in the snow for over a week his wife and children were found. James, however, had left them to find help 2 days earlier.

After an extensive search by land and air James’ body was found earlier today. It appears he was leaving a trail of clothing to help searchers track him, but they got there too late.

Besides losing a great technology journalist what strikes me is that this could happen to anyone. They missed a turnoff and looked at map and found another route to take. It was a National Forest Service road that, unkown to them, is not plowed in the winter. They became stuck and wound up staying in their car for a week with little or no food.

I’ve seen a lot of people who were critical of James’ decision to leave the family and car. But I can’t imagine how desparate he must’ve been at that point. They ran the car heater until it ran out of gas. They then burned the tires for warmth. Seriously, how bad does a situation have to be to push you to the point where burning your tires is the best option. After a week of being stranded, he had to think that they’d never be rescued unless he went for help.

Like I said, what is so scary is that this could happen to anyone. I mean I don’t expect that you could get quite that lost in the this part of the country, but there are is still plenty of wilderness in places like Oregon. It’s definately making be reconsider what I carry in my trunk.

You can donate to the family at the site set up by a friend while the family was missing at

You can also view a tribute from his coworkers at C|NET.

Posted by Michael in Life, Technology

You mean people really like Christmas?

This time last year the news was full of stories about retail stores that were boycotting the word Christmas in their advertising. They were saying “Happy Holidays”, “Season’s Greetings” or some other rubbish. Now this year after listening to their customers those same stores are announcing that they are going to stop pretending the holiday is not called Christmas.

While they say that they are doing it because of the complaints of the religious folks, I think that the reason reason to do this is that Christmas is NOT just a religious holiday! No where in the Christian mythology does Santa come sliding down a chimney!

There are two versions of Christmas. There is the one that the religious folks celebrate by going to a church and then there is the sectarian holiday that we all celebrate with Santa, reindeer, christmas trees etc.The ability of people to find new ways to be offended is truly amazing to me. There are many injustices in this world. Taking the time to create imaginary ones is such a waste of time.

I should note that there is one obviously exception to this new found realization that people like Christmas. Best Buy has decided to continue to attempt to be politically correct by making themselves look ridiculous and banning the word Christmas. Well, I never did like the store all that much anyway. I’ve been a loyal Circuit City customer for years now.

Read more on MSNBC.

Posted by Michael in Life, Randomness