Interesting Links

Stuff I’ve found online that you should think about checking out

Pogue’s Ode to the RIAA

David Pogue is a tech journalist for the New York Times. But in another life he was also a Broadway arranger. His latest tech song is a commentary on the RIAA. We all know that the RIAA will eventually destroy the music industry, but it seems even more obvious when it’s set to music! 🙂

I agree with the others who have commented on the post, I want an mp3 of it!

Check it in Pogue’s Posts.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Pogue’s Ode to the RIAA

David Pogue is a tech journalist for the New York Times. But in another life he was also a Broadway arranger. His latest tech song is a commentary on the RIAA. We all know that the RIAA will eventually destroy the music industry, but it seems even more obvious when it’s set to music! 🙂

I agree with the others who have commented on the post, I want an mp3 of it!

Check it in Pogue’s Posts.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Tracking Santa

As they do every year, NORAD will track Santa Claus beginning tomorrow morning. See, you knew the military had to have a fun side! 🙂

Check it out at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

The Story of Christmas

When you think of Christmas you probably think of Christmas trees, lights, Santa Claus, a blazing fireplace, gift giving, etc. But why do these images mean Christmas to us? Whether or not you believe the Christian mythology of how Christmas started, you should know that the holiday that we celebrate every December is a result of centuries of traditions from around the world coming together to form what we as a culture call Christmas.

To learn about all of these traditions and how they shaped our current Christmas celebrations, check out this great History of Christmas site put together by the History Channel. I stumbled upon it while looking for something specific, but wound up reading every page.

Enjoy! Merry Christmas!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

A Feline Christmas

Get in the Christmas spirit with as cute pictures of cats celebrating Christmas. WNBC in New York City has over a hundred photos that their viewers submitted.

View them here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Google Christmas Surprise

While looking for something using Google a few minutes ago, I stumbled upon a little Easter… errr… should I call it a Christmas Egg?

Do a search for “Christmas” or anything else that generates Christmas themed ads on the right side and you’ll see a row of Christmas trees along side your results.

Click here to see for yourself.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Stopping a scam artist

While browsing Digg tonight I happened upon this clip on YouTube of supposed psychic Sylvia Browne on Montel Williams’ show pretending to be psychic and upsetting families who have already suffered tragedies. Personally, I think there just aren’t enough people in this world who kick others when they are down. If more people went to hospitals and punched the ill or went to animal shelters and stepped on kittens the world would be a better place. Wait, you say that doens’t sound right? Well, that’s what Sylvia Browne does!

The thing that baffles me is that Montel gives this creature a platform from which to spew her crap. He always seemed like a reasonably intelligent guy to me, but yet he lets her on his show. Maybe he thinks that if people see her in action, they’ll realize exactly what she is.

Anyway, I could go on and on about this, but I think that does a better job than I could. (and you jsut have to love his logo!)

Stop Sylvia Brown

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Another Victory for Christmas

I have to commend the Port of Seattle for correcting a really stupid mistake they made over the weekend at the Seattle Airport. They pulled down all of the Christmas trees at the airport after a rabbi complained. The employees of the individual airlines began buying their own trees to display in their ticketing areas because that is leased space and the Grinches at the Port commission couldn’t make them remove them.

However, after some public pressure the airport has now replaced the trees. They also say they did it because the rabbi said he wouldn’t sue.

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. This is not a religious issue! While Christmas is obviously rooted in a religious tradition, their is also a secular side to the holiday. I know people who aren’t even Christians who celebrate the secular parts of Christmas. I’m not exactly a bible scholar but nowhere in the bible story do I recall hearing about Santa Claus being present at the nativity scene.

Read the article on CNN right here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Another Victory for Christmas

I have to commend the Port of Seattle for correcting a really stupid mistake they made over the weekend at the Seattle Airport. They pulled down all of the Christmas trees at the airport after a rabbi complained. The employees of the individual airlines began buying their own trees to display in their ticketing areas because that is leased space and the Grinches at the Port commission couldn’t make them remove them.

However, after some public pressure the airport has now replaced the trees. They also say they did it because the rabbi said he wouldn’t sue.

I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. This is not a religious issue! While Christmas is obviously rooted in a religious tradition, their is also a secular side to the holiday. I know people who aren’t even Christians who celebrate the secular parts of Christmas. I’m not exactly a bible scholar but nowhere in the bible story do I recall hearing about Santa Claus being present at the nativity scene.

Read the article on CNN right here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

James Kim Coverage

It’s amazing how far and wide-reaching the coverage of James Kim’s tragic death has been. Usually a tech journalist such as James has a small following who will pay attention to something like this (I’m among that group.) but his tragic demise has been covered by every news outlet imaginable. I can’t stand People magazine, but even they put him on their cover. CNN had a special about it tonight as well. Even competing tech media outlets are doing memorial pieces about him.

The latest news is that he actually walked 16 miles in his attempt to save his family, not the 10 that was first thought.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links