Interesting Links

Stuff I’ve found online that you should think about checking out

Track Santa with NORAD

When you you hear about Cheyenne Mountain Complex, you probably think about a super secure military facility, men & women of our Armed Forces protecting us from attack from the sky, and maybe even the TV show Stargate SG-1 (a personal favorite of mine).

On this special day every year, the men and women of NORAD that serve 2400 feet under the ground add a very special mission to their other critical tasks.

As they have for the 52 years, NORAD will follow Santa Claus on his flight around the world. This year it’s greatly enhanced by teaming up with Google Earth to make it fun and educational. (But mainly fun!)

Track Santa at

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness, Technology

Commodore 64 lives forever

Commodore LogoYou probbaly know that I’ve worked with computer’s all my life. What you might not remember is that the first computer my parents bought for me many years ago was the venerable Commodore 64. With it’s 64 bytes of RAM we played games like Choplifter, Tooth Invaders, Clowns & Bruce Lee. I also wrote my first computer programs in BASIC. And should I even mention the Datasette? Gee, loading computer software onto audio cassettes seemed like such a good idea at the time!

It’s amazing how 25 years later, all of those hours sitting with my mom and trying to fix the syntax errors in the tapes my Uncle Ott would send her actually seem like fond memories when at the time we wanted to throw the machine out the window.

Yes, the Commodore 64 is 25 years old now. I still have mine packed away. I could never get rid of it. CNN has a great article about the historic anniversary of everyone’s favorite home computer. Read CNN’s article here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life, Technology

Deadliest Catch Returns Soon

 I just happened to read that the Discovery Channel is is going ot start airing Season 4 of The Deadliest Catch in only a few months. I know I’ve talked about this show before in the blog so I won’t describe it again, but check out the Deadliest Catch Blog to learn more about what’s going on with the show. That’s where I found out it’s due to come back on in April.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Covered bridges are so cool

Bogert's BridgeAfter many planned but postponed trips to Lehigh County, PA to go on a self-guided tour of the area’s covered bridges I finally made it there a few weeks ago. I tried to time it so the leaves would be changing but excessive heat this year didn’t do much to help that.

However, it was a really relaxing day and the photos came out great. I thnk I’m now going to start planning to go see more of the many covered bridges throughout Pennsylvania.

The photos came out great! Check them out now!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Photography, Site Updates

Ask a gas pump for directions

Road SignBack “in the old days” when you were lost you’d stop at a gas station and ask the attendant for directions. Here in New Jersey we still have the luxury of having an attendant come to our car when we pull in, but in the rest of the states where they have self-serve gas, you’d be hard pressed to find an attendant. You swipe your card, pump your gas and go.

Luckily, getting lost isn’t much of a problem now that we have GPS, cell phones and Google Maps. But now things have gone full circle. If you leave home and forget to map your route first, you can pull into a gas station and ask the pump for directions thanks to an internet connection and Google Maps.

read more on Engadget | digg story

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

On the Origin of Grandmas

Here’s an interesting article about how grandparents affect the health and well-being of children. I for one spent a lot of time with my grandparents as a child and think it definately helped me become the person I am today. I still spend as much time with my grandfather as possible today!
Read the article below or learn about my own grandparents on my family tree site.

read more | digg story

Posted by Michael in Genealogy, Interesting Links

I knew there was a reason I like coffee

CoffeeAnyone who knows me knows I like coffee. No I’m not one of those fools who pays $8+ for a cup of lousy coffee at places like Starbucks. But, I’m definately addicted to my very cool Senseo coffee machine and love to stop at Dunkin Donuts anytime I think I can go in there without succumbing to the temptation of their donuts!

Now, according to this article on MSNBC, coffee might be good for you. It apparently can help ward off type 2 diabetes and may even help prevent certain cancers.

read more | digg story

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

Hang from a crane and eat dinner

I enjoy trying new restaurants. Just last night I had a delicious dinner place that appeared pretty rough from the outside but had delicious food. However, I’m not sure I’d make it past the “front door” of the restaurant in this article from the Daily Mail. You are surved dinner while sitting at a table which is suspended 150 off the ground. It hangs off the boom of a crane. You and 21 other folks site with nothing but air under your feet as you eat a gourment meal.

The reporter who wrote the article couldn’t even bring herself to eat because of the height issue. There’s a good chance I’d have the same problem!

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

Houdini murdered?

Hmm, looks like I might have to rewrite that book report I did in third grade. They’re digging up Harry Houdini’s body to see if he was murdered. Apparently it’s possible he didn’t die from a blow to the stomach like everyone thought.

read more | digg story

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Read every newspaper

InquirerNewspapers are slowing fading away because they’re a really slow way to deliver news when measured against other forms of media such as television and the internet. However, while I’m much more likely to read a newspaper’s website than I am a print version, I still find it interesting to see what news stories are being covered in various parts of the country and the world.

At you can take a look at and read the front page of just about every newspaper that exists.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links