Interesting Links

Stuff I’ve found online that you should think about checking out

Freedom Tower Gets a Better Name

World Trade CenterThe NY/NJ Port Authority announced yesterday that they are finally doing what I’ve been hoping they would do. The new skyscraper being built in lower Manhattan at the site of the former Twin Towers will not be called the Freedom Tower and previously planned. Instead the it will be called 1 World Trade Center. I’m glad they finally saw the light and called it what it should be called. They even did it with 3 or 4 years to spare before it’s completed. I’m sure some people will be upset about the name change, but my guess is that it will be the same group of people who would upset no matter what it’s called.


Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Freedom Tower Gets a Better Name

World Trade CenterThe NY/NJ Port Authority announced yesterday that they are finally doing what I’ve been hoping they would do. The new skyscraper being built in lower Manhattan at the site of the former Twin Towers will not be called the Freedom Tower and previously planned. Instead the it will be called 1 World Trade Center. I’m glad they finally saw the light and called it what it should be called. They even did it with 3 or 4 years to spare before it’s completed. I’m sure some people will be upset about the name change, but my guess is that it will be the same group of people who would upset no matter what it’s called.


Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

That’s What I Call Going Green

Green FountainWhat happens when you hvae a president who’s from Chicago? Well, the same thing that happens to the Chicago River on Saint Patrick’s Day… the water turns green. Today, the white House dyed the fountains on the North and South Lawns of the White House green.

More photos and info here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

That’s What I Call Going Green

Green FountainWhat happens when you hvae a president who’s from Chicago? Well, the same thing that happens to the Chicago River on Saint Patrick’s Day… the water turns green. Today, the white House dyed the fountains on the North and South Lawns of the White House green.

More photos and info here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Google Maps Killed Bambi!

Oh the humanity! Apparently the Google Maps car had a run in with a deer and the car won. In true Google fashion, the entire thing was indexed!

Check it out at Gizmodo.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Randomness

Twenty-Five Years of Macintosh

Lately most of the news about Apple has been about Steve Job’s health and the future of the company. However, todays a good day to look back at Apple’s past. Why? Because it was 25 years ago today that Steve Jobs unveiled the first Macintosh computer.

Since that time, a lot has changed. THe Macintosh has consistently stayed one step ahead of the curve when it comes to new technologies. The mouse, 3.5″ floppies, firewire, USB are just a few items that apple was early to adopt. Of course, who could forget the first iMac. Not only did it revitalize Apple’s sales, it impacted a wide range of consumer products. We saw brightly colored translucent plastic on everything from staplers to office furniture to floppy drives.

So, take a moment and relive the Macintosh introduction on YouTube…

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Twittering Away

Over the past few days you probably have seen posts that consist of any “tweets” I’ve posted to twittered on a given day. Obviously, this means I’ve caught up with the bandwagon and joined Twitter. You can find me at I got the idea to have my tweets automatically cross posted to my blog from Leo Laporte. Like him, I don’t like the idea having anything I create hosted solely on a service that I don’t control. So, the result is that you can catch up with my tweets on twitter, but you can also check them out on my blog. That way they’re all saved for posterity. (Don’t take that to mean that you can expect anything profound from me! :-))

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life, Randomness

Back on the Apple Roller Coaster

It’s been a tough month for Apple enthusiasts. A few weeks ago Apple announced Steve Jobs would not give the Macworld Expo keynote and that Apple would pull out of next year’s Expo. Besides basically assuring the impending demise of Macworld San Francisco it raised fears about Steve’s health. Then he announced that his health issues are related to a hormone imbalance and that he’s gonna be ok. The stock price rebounded and the masses were again happy. Then yesterday the roller coaster took another BIG turn for the worse when Apple released this press release.

Most people think that Apple fans like me are nuts for taking so much stock in the health and well-being of a CEO, but unlike most companies, Apple’s CEO IS the company. The company moved solely on his direction and ideas. He’s a complete totalitarian (I mean that in the nicest possible way!) who built the company, and later rebuilt it.

Hopefully we’ll see him back at the helm in a few months before too much damage is done to the company.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Berks County Covered Bridges

Wertzs Bridge

I finally found time to go on another covered bridge tour. If you haven’t seen my previous photos from the Lehigh Valley, you can check them out here. Then go check out my newest photos from the covered bridges of Berks County. I’m sure they aren’t the last ones you’ll see posted.

The photos also include some pictures of the Reading area including the William Penn Memorial Fire Tower and Pagoda.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life, Photography, Site Updates

Why do we eat turkey and all the fixings?

TurkeyWe all know what Thanksgiving dinner means. It means cooking a turkey, some stuffing, a variety of vegetables, probably some sweet potatoes and biscuits. Oh and don’t forget the cranberry sauce. Dessert brings pumpkin pie and maybe some egg nog to start off the holiday season.

You’ve eaten this combination every year of your life but do you know why? Check out this article on CNN to learn more about this holiday tradition.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links