Interesting Links

Stuff I’ve found online that you should think about checking out

Generate Secure Passwords

I just updated Michael’s Guide to Choosing Passwords with a new service from Steve Gibson’s (of the Security Now podcast) site.

The following is an excerpt from Michael’s Guide to Choosing Passwords
A good place to go for a totally random password is GRC’s Password Generator ( This website generates a totally secure, unique and random password everytime you refresh the page. It will generate a 63 character password. If you need a shorter one, just grab as many characters as you need.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Site Updates, Technology

Make your own snowflakes

You don’t need to get out paper and scissors to make paper snowflakes anymore. Just head on over to Make-a-Flake and you can do it digitally now. When you’re done, you can download it, e-mail it, or anything else you want to do with it. Pretty cool!

If you make a really good one, put it in the comments even. 😀

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Christmas stuff on eBay

I’ve been posting all of my Christmas items on eBay since the Christmas shopping season has begun. Click on the eBay link in the sidebar to see what I’ve got or just click here.

If you like jigsaw puzzles, keep an eye out in the next week for a lot of them!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Add a clock to your site

If you want to add a clock to your website, you can do it easier than ever now. You can also add countdown timers. Just haed over to You just paste some code to embed a Flash animated clock into your site. There’s an advertisement on rollovers, but it’s not intrusive at all and worth it for the free clock. I just have to find a place for it on my site now!

Thanks to Amber MacArthur’s blog for pointing this out!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Technology

Emeril’s restaurants are reopening

A real sign that New Orleans is getting back on it’s feet after the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina is that Emeril Lagasse’s restaurants have announced an reopening schedule. The first one will reopen in December.

Check out the details here.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links, Randomness

Emeril’s restaurants are reopening

A real sign that New Orleans is getting back on it’s feet after the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina is that Emeril Lagasse’s restaurants have announced an reopening schedule. The first one will reopen in December.

Check out the details here.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links, Randomness

Hire The Donald for only $25K/minute

Donald Trump is available for speaking engagements. Need someone to speak at your next meeting or your kid’s birthday party, just call The Donald. All it costs is $25,000.00 per minute.

Read more at Yahoo! News.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links