Interesting Links

Stuff I’ve found online that you should think about checking out

Scary article about diabetes

The front page story of today’s New York Times is an article about diabetes and what an epidemic is becoming. It really makes you stop to think. You probbaly know plenty of people with the disease, but this article really akes it clear that it is VERY quickly climbing the list of the most fatal diseases.

You’ll need to sign up for a free account to read the article (or use Bug Me Not) but it’s worth the effort. This is an important story.

Read the sobering article here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Scott and Casey are back on the air!!!

Beginning tomorrow, my favorite radio show of all time will be back!!! Scott & Casey, formerly of New Jersey 101.5 have resurfaced in Saint Louis on KTRS!

Scott and Casey will fill the morning drive time slot on KTRS “The Big 550” AM. This station is cool enough to stream so you’ll be able to hear S&C worldwide! I already bought a copy of Audio Hijack and will be recording the stream to listen to on my iPod everyday. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to hear the guys.

A special thanks to Mike of (formerly of for letting me know about this exciting turn of events. I really didn’t think we’d be seeing the guys back on the air again.

Listen to the stream directly at target=”_blank”

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Scott and Casey are back on the air!!!

Beginning tomorrow, my favorite radio show of all time will be back!!! Scott & Casey, formerly of New Jersey 101.5 have resurfaced in Saint Louis on KTRS!

Scott and Casey will fill the morning drive time slot on KTRS “The Big 550” AM. This station is cool enough to stream so you’ll be able to hear S&C worldwide! I already bought a copy of Audio Hijack and will be recording the stream to listen to on my iPod everyday. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to hear the guys.

A special thanks to Mike of (formerly of for letting me know about this exciting turn of events. I really didn’t think we’d be seeing the guys back on the air again.

Listen to the stream directly at target=”_blank”

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Happy Festivus!

For those who never watched Seinfeld (are there really peope who didn’t?), you’l have no idea what i’m talking about. Aparently Festivus is getting bigger by the year even though the shows been gone for a whoile now.

So, even though it’s last minute, you should hurry and run out to get your Festivus Pole and settle down with a glass of Festivus Wine.

Here’s wishing you and your family a Happy Festivus… let the feats of strength begin!

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Hey crackhead!

I heard about this on TWiT this week. It’s a hilarious open letter from a guy in San Francisco who had his spark plugs stolen by a crackhead. It’s a must read!

Check it out on Craig’s List.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

It’s a Wonderful Life

Wat would the holiday season be without that timeless classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. What’s that you say? You don’t have time to watch the movie? Well, now you can watch the 30 second version.

The fact that it’s re-enacted by animated bunnies is just a bonus!

Enjoy it here.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Cops now taser each other???

What has this world come to when cops start tasering each other? Apparently when your partner doesn’t stop so you can buy a soda, the proper reaction is to taser her.

Read it at KCCI News.

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links

Puzzle season

For those who may not have noticed, I’m selling jigsaw puzzles on eBay again. They are one of my most popular items. Go bid now if you’re interested!

Michael’s eBay Items

Posted by Michael in Interesting Links, Life

Coffee soda is returning?

I doubt many of you remember Pespi Kona soda, but it was a coffee flavored cola that was test marketed in the Philadelphia region in the mid 1990’s. I though it was great, buta pparently I was alone because it never went into full production. (Learn more in this Honolulu Star Bulletin article from back in the day or from Wikipedia.)

Now, a new coffee flavored soda is coming out. Next year Coca-Cola will introduce Coke Blak. Read more here. I hope it’s nearly as good. (Even though I’m a Pepsi person.) We’ll see if they come out with a diet version.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links

Coffee soda is returning?

I doubt many of you remember Pespi Kona soda, but it was a coffee flavored cola that was test marketed in the Philadelphia region in the mid 1990’s. I though it was great, buta pparently I was alone because it never went into full production. (Learn more in this Honolulu Star Bulletin article from back in the day or from Wikipedia.)

Now, a new coffee flavored soda is coming out. Next year Coca-Cola will introduce Coke Blak. Read more here. I hope it’s nearly as good. (Even though I’m a Pepsi person.) We’ll see if they come out with a diet version.

Posted by Michael in Cooking/Food, Interesting Links